Individual Summary Requirement

Stipend Recipient Individual Summary Requirement

Individual Summary

After the conference, individual recipients are required to submit a 1-2 page summary report to the Sewell Travel Award for Public Health Committee Chair. All recipients must submit their summaries.

Group Summary

The STAPH Chair will post individual summaries to a collaborative workspace where 1-2 lead writers will compile the final group summary paper. The group paper will be submitted to the Sewell Fund, posted online on the Sewell Stipend site, and posted as a blog article for the MLA PH/HA section. The group summary may be compiled by 1-2 leader writers. This task may count toward those individuals' volunteering.

How can I keep a record of my daily activities?

Use the Daily Meeting Summary Worksheet to track daily activities.

  • The Daily Meeting Summary Worksheet is designed to help you track what sessions you attended, why you wanted to attend, and key points you gained from attending.

  • Use it for posters you viewed as well as storing names of researchers or PH practitioners you met.

  • You might even record vendors you met or booths in the Exhibit Hall that were of particular interest.

When do I need to complete the individual summary?

  • Your summary will be due to the Chair of the STAPH Committee within two weeks after the conference.

How formal must the individual or group summary be?

  • Since the individual two-page summary will form the basis of an article in the PH/HA Blog, it should be well written, spell-checked and suitable for publication.

  • Remember-- a member of your cohort has volunteered to compile the reports to post later. Do them a favor; check your document for spelling, grammar, and clarity.

What should I use to create a summary?

Use the template below to help you compile your summary.

  • Submit your essay in Word format or as a text document so it can easily be combined with other essays for posting.

  • This report can include information on:

    • Scientific sessions you attended;

    • Lessons learned from your attendance at the sessions;

    • Contacts you made and how you are likely to cultivate this new network of practitioners;

    • Knowledge and experience gained from shadowing;

    • Issues, problems, items of interest, experiences, suggestions that you’d like to share with the Committee or other members of the Public Health/Health Administration section of Medical Library Association.

  • It should be approximately 2 pages in length.

Meeting Summary Forms

Daily Meeting Worksheet

  • Use this document to track the sessions you attend and to record key points from each session. It will help when you have to write the meeting summary.

Individual Summary Template

  • Use this to help compile your daily events into a summary for submission.