InfoXchange '22

InfoXchange '22 poster.pdf

InfoXchange '22

Wednesday 9 February


Lyndale Secondary College

We invite all Instrumental Music Teachers and Coordinators to attend InfoXchange '22.  To be held on Wednesday 9 February starting at 9:30am with light refrshments provided.  

We will be discussing many matters that have arisen in the last two years. Additionaly, Priscilla Pek, Registered Music Therapist at Monash Health will be presenting a session:  Mental Health and Performing Artists: Building Resilience in Our Students. 

Please register your attendance through trybooking

Plenary - Priscilla Pek 

Priscilla Pek SEVR Music InfoXchange 2022 slides.pdf

Session 2 - SEVR Music Matters

SEVR Music InfoXchange

Lyndale Secondary College

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Session No. 2 “SEVR Music Matters”

Megan Waugh:

Dmitry Serebrianik:



IMC school visit list-2.pdf