Remote Learning 2.1!

SEVR Music Survey "Remote Learning 2.1" (Responses)

Minutes of Meeting

Thursday 27 August 2020

Online SEVR Music Teachers and Coordinators’ Meeting

1:00 – 2:00pm


Present: SEVR Coordinators: Dmitry Serebrianik, Megan Waugh, Martin West and Barbara Kerr 40+ SEVR Music Teachers

Refer to “SEVR Music Remote Teaching 2.1 Survey”

Discussion to follow on 4 of these points


 Difficulties of online learning

 Year 7's had far fewer face to face lessons than online

 Ensemble rehearsal difficulties

 Cancellation of events such as concerts, tours, camps

 2nd  remote learning technically easier but perhaps more difficult in terms of


 Strategies to increase engagement

 Recording projects Audacity, Accapela

 School leadership hoping for visible product to showcase music

 Online performances

Contribution and discussion followed with a number of teachers making a contribution on

their school strategies


 Some drop off of student numbers during 2nd remote period

 Some drop off of students before entering remote learning

Contribution and discussion followed involving many teachers

 Retention generally good

 Important to remind students remote learning won’t last forever, we will be back at school again

 Important to be proactive, talk about performances and events on return to school

 Important to give students a goal; recording or online performance, creative recording project

Give students the tools to allow them to drive their own learning and creativity,

introduce them to recording software

 Virtual Soirees for soloists to make up for difficulty for online ensemble performance

Ensembles and Performance

 Thanks for great response to survey

 Most schools indicating they are not running ensembles during this remote period

 Others have continued to run them and comment on usefulness and success of

maintaining student connectedness, motivation and engagement

 Of those running ensembles, success reported with very large junior concert bands to small combos and flute ensembles

 Importance of recording projects, virtual performances, having a goal

 Bandlab, Soundtrap, Audacity useful recording software

Contribution and discussion followed with a number of teachers making a contribution on their schools’ strategies

 Flipgrid submission of recording tasks

 Running sectional rehearsals

 Usefulness of Break Out Rooms in Zoom

 Attendance marked, expectation that students will attend

 Importance to allow for music student advocacy, great opportunity for students to make a rich contribution and drive their own learning

Online rehearsals conducted both during school time and outside school hours

 Times adjusted to suit ensemble requirements and respond to online fatigue

 Warm up, blow, recording to clicktracks, playing with accompaniment, really worthwhile


 Traditional try out nights and face to face recruitment events may not be possible for 2021

 Important to consider alternative online and recorded options

Contribution and discussion followed, many teachers participating

 Video option, student films put together with information for parents and students

 Underline idea “Music is Good for You”

 Recorded performances for feeder primary schools

 Schools with compulsory Year 7 programs in a good position for 2021 but important for others to be proactive, drive recruitment, think it through now

 Important to capture those students not thinking about studying IM, reach out

 Rich online promotion

Consider recent draconian NSW ED guidelines, no group singing or blowing instruments rehearsals

 More Timbre testing, Selmer testing

 Jupiter band instrument Tryout kits

 Student performances great demonstration, Year 7 the best!

 Really important for new students to hear instruments being played by other students

 Really important to get information to parents, actively find new students