
Influenza Pandemic–1557-1559

Roll extra for EVERY sim in your family (including the side households).

These are your odds: Using a D20 roller, roll for every single sim for each year. If a sim rolls a 20 then your sim dies, otherwise, they’re perfectly fine and survived.

1586 New England Typhus Epidemic

Roll a D10 for all Native American sims

7 means they survive

Acoma War (1598–99)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ Male Spanish sims

3 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted Spanish

4 means they die

Roll a D12 for all 16+ male sims in the New Mexico area

5 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D8 for all enlisted sims

6 means they die

War of the Jülich Succession (1609–1614)

Fought between Holy Roman Empire, Spanish Empire, Netherlands, & France

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in areas mentioned

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

3 means they die

1616 Massachusetts Epidemic

In the years before English settlers established the Plymouth colony (1616-1619), most Native Americans living on the southeastern coast of present-day Massachusetts died from a mysterious disease. Classic explanations have included yellow fever, smallpox, and plague. Chickenpox and trichinosis are among more recent proposals.

Anywhere from to 90% of native americans in the area died.

Flip a coin for all indigeonus peoples in the Massachusetts area, heads mean they die

1621 The First Year in America (English)

The first year in early America was a really hard time for the settlers. They didn't expect such harsh conditions and illness. Because of this, half of the settlers did not make it. For the first year in America you must:


Powhatan War (1622–1644)

Powhatan War , (1622–44), relentless struggle between the Powhatan Indian confederacy and early English settlers in the tidewater section of Virginia and southern Maryland. The conflict resulted in the destruction of the Indian power.

Natives in Virginia no longer have land, and tribes have been combined

Flip a coin for all male sims who live in Virginia, this determines if they are enlisted. Tails means they are enlisted.

Roll a D6, and 3 or 5 means your soldier dies.

Every time that dice lands on 4 means an innocent, non soldier, Native dies

1633 New England Smallpox Epidemic

Roll a D6 for all sims in New England, if it lands on 5 they die from smallpox

1647 New England Influenza Outbreak

In the year 1647 an epidemical sickness passed through the whole country of New England both among Indians, English, French and Dutch. It began with a cold and in many was accompanied with a light fever. Such as bled, or used cooling drinks, generally died; such as made use of cordials, and more strengthening, comfortable things, for the most part recovered.”

Roll a D12 for all sims in America (spread across the whole east coast)

7 means they die

King Philip’s War (1675–76)

King Philip's War (sometimes called the First Indian War, Metacom's War, Metacomet's War, Pometacomet's Rebellion, or Metacom's Rebellion) was an armed conflict in 1675–1678 between indigenous inhabitants of New England and New England colonists and their indigenous allies.”

30% of English colonists in New England died.
Roll D6, 3 and 5 means your sims die. 

88% of Native Americans in New England died.

Roll a D10, 6 means they survive

1677 New England Smallpox Epidemic

Roughly 60% died
Roll a D10, if you roll 1,4,6, or 9, your sim survives

Pueblo Revolt (1680)

Fought between Spain & Native Americans

Roll a D20 for all native americans

13 means they die

Roll a D20 for all spanish colonials in North America

12 means they die

       Kill your least favorite male spanish sim

King William’s War (1689–97)

“King William's War (also known as the Second Indian War, Father Beaudoin's War, Castin's War, or the First Intercolonial War in French) was the North American theater of the Nine Years' War (1688–1697), also known as the War of the Grand Alliance or the War of the League of Augsburg.”

600 dead in New England 

Roll 1 on a D20 and your sim dies.

1692 - 1693 The Witch Trials

[The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than two hundred people were accused. Thirty were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging.]

1697 American Influenza

Roll D20 for all sims living in america. 1 means your sim dies

War of the Spanish Succession (1701–14)

The War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714) was a conflict involving many of the leading European powers that was triggered by the death in November 1700 of the childless Charles II of Spain. It established the principle that dynastic rights were secondary to maintaining the balance of power between different countries.

1,251,000 Deaths Including disease. 

If your male sim lives in the Low Countries, Italy, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Spanish Florida, West Indies, Thirteen Colonies, Newfoundland, India, East Indies, or West Africa, flip a coin, this determines if they are enlisted. Tails means they are enlisted. 

Roll a D10, and 3 or 5 means your soldier dies. 

Queen Anne’s War (1702–13)

Queen Anne's War (1702–1713) was the second in a series of French and Indian Wars fought in North America involving the colonial empires of Great Britain, France, and Spain; it took place during the reign of Anne, Queen of Great Britain.

Flip a coin for all male sims who live in North America, this determines if they are enlisted. Tails means they are enlisted. 

Roll a D10, and 3 or 5 means your soldier dies.

Comanche Wars (1709–1875)

Fought between Spain, United States & Mexico

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the areas mentioned

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D12 for all enlisted

8 means they die

1710 Rocking Chair Invention

The rocking chair has been invented.

You can now place and use the rocking chair (Nifty Knitting DLC).

1711–1715: Tuscarora War

Fought between North & South Carolina (including natives)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the areas mentioned

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D12 for all enlisted

8 means they die

1713 North America Measles Epidemic

[In North America, a measles epidemic occurred and threatened children.]

Roll a D10 for EVERY baby to child in your main & side household to see who contracts Measles. If a Sims rolls a 5,7, or 10 then they die. 

Yamasee War (1715–16)

The Yamasee War (also spelled Yamassee or Yemassee) was a conflict fought in South Carolina from 1715–1717 between British settlers from the Province of Carolina and the Yamasee and a number of other allied Native American peoples, including the Muscogee, Cherokee, Catawba, Apalachee, Apalachicola, Yuchi, Savannah River Shawnee, Congaree, Waxhaw, Pee Dee, Cape Fear, Cheraw, and others.

90/100 colonial traders on the field died

If your sim is a trader or doesn't have a job, roll a d10 and 9 means they survive

1720: Villasur expedition

Fought between Spain & Native Americans

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the areas mentioned

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D6 for all enlisted

3 means they die

1721 Boston Smallpox Outbreak

[In 1721, Boston experienced its worst outbreak of smallpox.]

1729 Boston Measles Outbreak

Roll a D10 for every baby, toddler, child, and pregnant sims, 10 means they die

1732 Thirteen Colonies Influenza Epidemic

[In 1732, the Thirteen Colonies was plagued with an Influenza epidemic.]

Roll a D8 for EVERY sim in your main household & all other side households. 3 means they die.

The Throat Distemper of 1735

Across New England some 5,000 people died of diphtheria between 1735 and 1740. More than 75 percent were children. Overall, it killed 22 of every 1,000 people. In New Hampshire, where it struck first and worst, 75 out of every 1,000 people died of it.

Roll a D20 for all teen-adult sims, if 3 is rolled, your sim dies of diphtheria. 

Roll a D8 for infant-child and elder sims, if 4 is rolled your sim dies of diphtheria.

War of Jenkins’ Ear (1739–48)

40% of american soldiers died. 

Roll a D4 to see if your male sims are enlisted, 3 means they are. 

Roll a D10 to see if your soldier dies. 1, 3, 4 and 5 means they die

1739 Boston measles Outbreak

Roll a D10 for every baby, toddler, child, and pregnant sims, 10 means they die

King George’s War (1744–48)

Flip a coin for all male sims who live in North America, this determines if they are enlisted. Tails means they are enlisted. 

Roll a D10, and 3 or 5 means your soldier dies.

1750– Can Now have Quadruplets

Time to enable Quadruplets! (requires MCCC)
Click on a computer

Go to Mc Command Center

Go to Mc Pregnancy

Go to Offspring
Go to Maximum Offspring
Set to 4

1752 Boston Smallpox Outbreak

Here are your odds: If a Sim rolls an 8, then they die from Smallpox. If they roll any other number, then they survive and get to live.

1754 - 1763 French & Indian War

[The French and Indian War was a theater of the Seven Years War, which pitted the North American colonies of the British Empire against those of the French, each side being supported by various Native American tribes.]

In 1763 roll a D10 for your currently enlisted sims. If your sim rolls a 10 then they die as a cause of war. If your Sim survives then they can go back home.

Seven Years' War (1756–63)

Fought between England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Portugal, Russia, India, Phillipines, United States, Canada, France, Austria, Spain, Sweden, Mexico, Brazil, Belize, Guyana, Peru, Guadeloupe, & Martinique

Roll a D6 for all 16+ male sims in the areas mentioned

4 means theyre enlisted

Flip a coin for all enlisted

Heads means they die

1759 North America Measles Outbreak

Roll a D10 for every baby, toddler, child, and pregnant sims, 10 means they die

1764 Boston Smallpox Outbreak

[In 1764, Boston experienced another smallpox outbreak.]

1764 The Sugar Act

[In 1764 the British Parliament passed what became known as the Sugar Act. This imposed taxes and commercial regulations on goods imported into the colonies. It set a 3 pence tax on non-British refined sugar and even higher taxes on coffee, indigo and Madera Wine.]

1765 The Stamp Act

[The Stamp Act of 1765 was an act of the Parliament of Great Britain which imposed a direct tax on the British colonies in America and required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp.]

1765 - 1767 The Quartering Act

[Britain planned to send between 6k to 10k soldiers to the colonies. These soldiers would protect the colonies from the Native Americans and the rising tensions (of the colonist impeding further on their land). Private homes were expected to offer quarters to British soldiers.]

1770 Boston Massacre

Roll a D20 for all sims living in New England. 7 means they die

Lord Dunmore’s War (1774)

Between Virginia, Shawnee, & Mingo

Natives no longer allowed to hunt
Roll a D4 for all men 16 and older living in Virginia & Natives in the area

3 means they're enlisted

Roll a D6 for all enlisted, 5 means they die due to war

American Revolutionary War (1775–83)

[The American Revolutionary War, also known as the Revolutionary War or American War of Independence, secured American independence from Great Britain. Fighting began on April 19, 1775, followed by the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.]

1775 Boston Smallpox Outbreak

[In 1775, Boston experienced another smallpox outbreak.]

Spanish–Portuguese War (1776–77)

Fought between Spanish Empire, Brazil, & Portugal

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the areas mentioned

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D12 for all enlisted

3 means they die

Rebellion of Túpac Amaru II (1780–83)

Fought between Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, & Spanish Empire

Roll a D8 for all 16+ male sims in the areas mentioned

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D12 for all enlisted

3 means they Survive

Roll a D12 for all remaining sims in the areas mentioned

5 means they die of either starvation or illness
Flip a coin, heads is starvation, tails is illness

1793 Yellow Fever-Philadelphian

Yellow fever kills 10%. Roll a D10 for ALL sims, 3 means your sim dies

Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)

Fought between Spanish Empire, France, England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, & Portugal

Roll a D6 for all 16+ male sims in the areas mentioned

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D10 for all enlisted

3 means they die

1801-1805 Tripolitan War

Fought between United States, Sweden, Sicily, Libya, & Morocco

Roll a D20 for all 16+ men in these areas, 9 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted in United States, 5 means they die

No Casualties for Morocco and unknown for Libya

1812-1815 War of 1812

Fought between the United States, Canada, and Great Britain.

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the United States and Great Britain.

4 means they are drafted or enlisted into military service.

Roll a D10 for all enlisted sims.

2 means they are wounded in battle but survive.

5 means they die in battle.

8 means they're captured as prisoners of war and held for the duration of the conflict.

Roll a D20 for civilian sims in affected regions.

6 means they experience disruptions due to military operations.

10 means they face economic hardships due to trade disruptions.

15 means they provide support to wounded soldiers and refugees.

18 means they contribute to local defense efforts.

1813-1814 Creek War

Fought between Native Americans, European powers, & the United States

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the areas mentioned

18 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D4 for all enlisted sims

4 means they die

1816-1817 Year Without a Summer

Major food shortages across northern hemisphere

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Roll a D10 for all sims (including side households), 4 means they freeze to death

1827-1835 Second cholera pandemic

Roll a D4 for all sims

3 means they contract Cholera

Roll a D4 for all infected sims

2 means they die of Cholera

1839-1856 Third cholera pandemic

Roll a D4 for all sims

3 means they contract Cholera

Roll a D4 for all infected sims

2 means they die of Cholera

1846-1848 Mexican-American War

Fought between Mexico and the United States.

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the locations mentioned.

7 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D4 for all participants in the conflict

1 means they are wounded but survive.

2 means they die during the conflict.

3-4 means they are not significantly affected.

1854-1859 Bleeding Kansas

Between antislavery and proslavery settlers in Kansas

Roll a D12 for all sims living in Kansas

5 means they die

1855-1960 Third plague pandemic 

Occurred globally.

Every 10 years, roll a D100 for all sims

If the roll is between 1 and 2, they are infected by the plague.

Roll a D10 for all infected sims.

If the roll is 1, they succumb to the plague.

If the roll is 2 or 3, they recover from the plague.

If the roll is between 4 and 10, they survive but might face lasting health effects. Add an extra roll for all illness events for this sim going forward.

1861-1865 American Civil War

With a population of 31 million combined the US suffered a huge loss of life and able bodied men during the war. 1 million casualties with 31 million people is an incredible casualty rate.

Flip a coin to see what side EVERYONE is on, including children older than 6


Union: Heads

All American male sims teen-elder are willing to fight for such a cause.

Roll a D4 for all female sims teen-elder to see if they will aid in war efforts, 3 

means they will.

Roll a D6 for all who go on the battlefield. 

2 and 5 means they die (⅓ of all soldiers died)

Roll a D10 to see if your town is directly affected (sieged or disease)

3 or 6 means it is, now flip a coin for all sims in that family (other than those at war), Heads mean they die. 

1863-1875 Fourth cholera pandemic

Roll a D4 for all sims

3 means they contract Cholera

Roll a D4 for all infected sims

2 means they die of Cholera 

1864 Battle of Pecos River

Fought in New Mexico, United States.

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the area mentioned, including natives.

10 means they participate as warriors.

Roll a D10 for all warrior participants in the battle.

If the roll is between 1 and 2, they are wounded but survive.

If the roll is between 3 and 4, they die during the battle.

If the roll is between 5 and 10, they survive without significant harm.

1864 Battle of Canyon de Chelly

Fought in the United States

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the location(s) mentioned

4 means they enlist to fight.

Roll a D20 for all participants in the battle:

If the roll is 1, they die due to battle-related factors.

1864-1866 Long Walk of the Navajo

All Navajo Indians are forced to relocate

Roll a D20 for all participants in the relocation:

If the roll is 1 or 2 (representing at least 200 deaths), they die due to various factors during the relocation.

Forced Relocation: The Navajo people were forcibly removed from their ancestral lands and forced to walk long distances to a reservation, leading to exhaustion, exposure, and deprivation.

Harsh Environmental Conditions: The journey took place in harsh environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures, lack of water, and exposure to the elements.

Lack of Food: Food provisions were inadequate, leading to malnutrition and starvation among the Navajo people.

Disease: The crowded conditions during the relocation contributed to the spread of diseases, resulting in illness and death.

Exposure to Violence: The Navajo people faced potential violence from military personnel and local residents during the relocation process.

Loss of Livelihood: The relocation disrupted traditional livelihoods and ways of life, making it difficult for the Navajo people to sustain themselves.

Physical and Emotional Trauma: The entire experience caused physical and emotional trauma among the Navajo people, leading to physical and psychological suffering.

1865-1872 Black Hawk War

Enlistment Rolls:

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in illinois

3 means they join the tribal resistance forces.

18 means they join the government forces.

Death Rolls:

Roll a D10 for all participants in the conflict:

If the roll is 1 (representing at least 10% casualties), they die due to various factors during the conflict.

Socioeconomic Consequences:

Roll a D10 for the severity of socioeconomic consequences:

1: Severe economic devastation. Lose 75% of simoleons

2-3: Significant economic impact. Lose 50% of simoleons

4-7: Moderate economic impact. Lose 25% of simoleons

8-10: Limited economic impact. Lose 100 simoleons

Impact on Livelihood:

Roll a D6 for the impact on livelihood:

1: Disruption of traditional livelihoods. Lose jobs, cannot find a new one for 5 years

2-3: Limited disruption of livelihoods. Lose jobs, cannot find one for 2 years

4-5: Moderate impact on livelihoods.Lose jobs, cannot find one for 4 years

6: Minimal impact on livelihoods. Lose jobs, cannot find one for 6 months

1866 Can now have Sextuplets (but not quintuplets yet)

Time to enable Sextuplets! (requires MCCC)
Click on a computer

Go to Mc Command Center

Go to Mc Pregnancy

Go to Offspring

Go to Maximum Offspring

Set to 6

***Check every pregnancy to ensure that your sims are not pregnant with quintuplets until said otherwise. Randomize offspring until it isn't quintuplets by pressing “Offspring” and leaving both spaces blank

1868-1878 Ten Years' War

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the conflict areas: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominica, Spanish Empire, and Mexico

If the roll is 1 to 11, they are enlisted in the war effort.

If the roll is 12 to 20, they remain uninvolved.

Death Rolls (Military):

Roll a D20 for all military participants in the conflict:

If the roll is 1 to 9 (representing a portion of the casualties), they die due to battle-related factors.

Death Rolls (Civilian):

Roll a D20 for all civilian sims in the conflict areas:

If the roll is 1 to 5, they die due to war-related consequences.

Death Rolls (Disease):

Flip a coin for all participants in the conflict:

If the roll is Heads, they die due to disease-related factors.

1869 Formula Available for $1 in American Grocery Stores

You may now buy formula for your newborn and infant sims! (not the first time bottle feeding, as artificial feedings have existed since at least 2000BCE)

Mothers can join the workforce! 

1874-1875 Red River Indian War

Roll a D10 for all 16+ male sims in the conflict area:

If the roll is 1, they are enlisted in the war effort.

If the roll is 2 to 10, they remain uninvolved.

Roll a D12 for each of the enlisted military participants:

If the roll is 1, they die due to battle-related factors.

If the roll is 2 to 12, they survive the conflict.

1876-1878 Serbo-Turkish War

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the conflict area (Serbia, Montenegro):

If the roll is 1, they are enlisted in the war effort.

If the roll is 2 to 20, they remain uninvolved.

Roll a D12 for each of the enlisted military participants:

If the roll is 1 to 2, they die due to battle-related factors.

If the roll is 3 to 12, they survive the conflict.

1881-1886 Fifth cholera pandemic

Roll a D4 for all sims

3 means they contract Cholera

Roll a D4 for all infected sims

2 means they die of Cholera 

1889-1890 flu pandemic

Roll a d20 for all sims, everywhere. 10 means they die from the Flu

1896-Can now have Quintuplets

No longer need to avoid quintuplets. If you started after 1866, and didnt have sextuplets enabled, now is the time to do so

Click on a computer

Go to Mc Command Center

Go to Mc Pregnancy

Go to Offspring

Go to Maximum Offspring

Set to 6 

1898 Spanish-American War

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the United States:

If the roll is 1 to 16, they are enlisted in the war effort.

If the roll is 17 to 20, they remain uninvolved.

Casualties (American Military):

Roll a D12 for each soldier:

If the roll is 1 to 3, they die due to battle-related factors.

If the roll is 4 to 12, they survive the conflict.

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain:

If the roll is 1 to 9, they are enlisted in the war effort.

If the roll is 10 to 20, they remain uninvolved.

Casualties (Spanish Military):

Roll a D12 for each soldier:

If the roll is 1 or 2, they die due to battle-related factors.

If the roll is 3 to 12, they survive the conflict.

1899-1902 Philippine-American War

Enlistment Rolls (American side):

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in the United States:

If the roll is 1 to 8, they are enlisted in the war effort.

If the roll is 9 to 20, they remain uninvolved.

Roll a D12 for each soldier:

If the roll is 1 to 2, they die due to battle-related factors.

If the roll is 3 to 12, they survive the conflict.

Casualties (Filipino side):

Roll a D10 for each sim in the conflict area (Philippines):

If the roll is 1 to 3, they were casualties of the war.

If the roll is 4 to 10, they were not directly affected by the conflict.

1899-1923 Sixth cholera pandemic

Roll a D4 for all sims

3 means they contract Cholera

Roll a D4 for all infected sims

2 means they die of Cholera