1300's Events


The 1300s, also known as the 14th century, was a pivotal period marked by significant developments across various regions of the world. It was a time of both turmoil and progress, characterized by events that shaped the course of history in several domains:

Europe: The 1300s witnessed the culmination of the medieval era and the emergence of the Renaissance. The Black Death, a devastating pandemic, swept through Europe in the mid-14th century, leading to the deaths of millions of people and causing widespread social and economic upheaval. The Hundred Years' War between England and France also began in this century, contributing to shifting power dynamics and technological advancements in warfare.

Asia: In China, the Yuan Dynasty was replaced by the Ming Dynasty in 1368. The Ming Dynasty ushered in a period of cultural and economic growth, exemplified by the construction of the Forbidden City and the voyages of Zheng He. Meanwhile, in India, the Delhi Sultanate faced political and territorial challenges from various regional powers.

Middle East: The 1300s saw the rise and fall of the Ilkhanate in Persia and the Mamluk Sultanate in Egypt. The Ottoman Empire continued its expansion, gradually asserting dominance in Anatolia and the Balkans.

Africa: The Mali Empire, a significant West African power, reached its height under Mansa Musa's rule during the 14th century. Mansa Musa's famous pilgrimage to Mecca showcased the empire's wealth and cultural achievements.

Americas: Pre-Columbian civilizations in the Americas, such as the Aztec, Inca, and Maya, were flourishing. These cultures developed advanced agricultural practices, complex societies, and monumental architecture.

Scientific and Cultural Advancements: The 1300s set the stage for the Renaissance, a cultural movement characterized by renewed interest in art, literature, science, and humanism. The works of writers like Geoffrey Chaucer and Dante Alighieri gained prominence, and advancements in astronomy and mathematics laid the groundwork for later scientific breakthroughs.

Religious Movements: The 1300s were marked by various religious developments. The Avignon Papacy, during which the papal court resided in Avignon rather than Rome, challenged the authority of the Catholic Church. The rise of religious dissent and reform movements, like the Lollards and the Hussites, foreshadowed the changes that would eventually lead to the Protestant Reformation.

The 14th century was a time of contrasts, encompassing both tragedy and progress, as societies grappled with the aftermath of plagues, shifts in political power, and the emergence of new ideas that would shape the trajectory of the world in the centuries to come.

1300s Start Conditions look out for differences if you started in a prior era.

Reminder to start with just 2 sims married to eachother
Your female sim can be any age 12 or older
Your male sim can be any age 14 or older

You can marry female sims off at 12, and male sims off at 14. Optional: When a sim makes it to teenhood and survives, roll a D4 for each year age 12+ for girls and 14+ for boys. When it lands on a 1, that sim will marry that year. For example lets say you have a female sim. She just aged to teen and survived, so now youre going to roll ahead for her marriage age so you know when it will be ahead of time. You roll the D4. If it lands on a 1, she marries at 12, any other number and you roll again. Then you roll again, if it lands on a 1 she marries at 13, and so on.

Marrying sims off young can help ensure sims survive upcoming events, however due to maternal mortality rolls as well as the amount of time, that could backfire in 2 ways (sims dying super young, or having an absurd amount of surviving children).

You do not need dowries whatsoever, it was not a legal requirement so it isn't a requirement for you either. And even when they were paid, they were for the daughter and did not go to the husband or his family. However if you would like the extra financial challenge, and something for your sims to work for as well as add to the story, you may use these ***optional dowry and dower prices. (dowers are what the husband(s family) paid)
Marry a peasant- §500
Marry working class (just above peasant, but still broke)- §1000
Marry lower class (just above working)- §1500
Marry middle class- §2500
Marry upper class- §5000
Marry ungodly wealthy- §7500
Marry poor noble- §8000
Marry lower noble (Lord, Baron, Viscount)- §10000
Marry upper noble (Earl, Duke)- §12500
Marry wealthy noble (any rank)- §15000
Marry royal- §17500
Marry Foreign royal- §20000

Your sims are allowed to divorce, however their children together will be considered illegitimate.

No wedding ceremonies unless your sims are ultra religious or are wealthy as ceremonies were fairly rare. If sims are already engaged all they need is the consent of both parties, so if engaged sims woohoo they're considered married. 

Bastards/Illigitamate children cannot inherit of become heir.

Your sims cannot adopt or take in orphaned family members, orphans got sent to the church and raised by monks and nuns.

Yes you can store food as there were many preservation methods utilized in the medieval era. You also do not need the off the grid lot trait as it can actually make the game less accurate, as they did not need to fill their "fridges" with ice, or gather water each time they needed a bath. You may choose to use it, but i see no point personally as its less accurate, and its not like you're going to put a modern TV in your medieval peasant home.

Your sims may woohoo with no pregnancy chance as there were several contraceptive methods, however if you do use no-pregnancy woohoo, you must roll a D6 and if it lands on 5 your sims must try for a baby right after because their contraceptive method failed.

If a sim dies you may plead with grim. Its unlikely it will work, but there's a chance.

A preference on home birth, but if your sim must be sent to the almshouse (hospital) for whatever reason, thats perfectly fine as well. doesnt increase or decrease death chances, but your sim and her baby must stay at a nunnery for at least a day or 2 for her recovery (3-6 months)

Babies may be fed both via bottle and breast. Roll a D10 every time a woman gives birth, 3 means she is unable to breastfeed until at least her next baby and the crrent must be bottle fed. for an added challenge, roll a D4 for each baby that cant be breastfed, 2 means they die of Malnutrition.

Your sims can have these Medieval Holidays:
January: Twelfth Night. Religious festivals and feasts celebrating the visit of the Wise Men.
February: St. Valentine's Day. Festival celebrating love, singing, dancing, and pairing games.
March: Easter. Celebrated by going to church.
April: All Fools Day. Jesters took charge to cause mayhem with jokes and jests.
May: May Day. Spring festival when a Queen was chosen and villagers danced around the maypole.
November: All Souls Day. Revels were held and bonfires were lit for loved ones.
December: Christmas celebration. Celebrated by heavy drinking, gluttony, giving gifts (against the wishes of the church), and crowning a "King of Misrule". (further reading on medieval Christmas)

You can have as many animals as you can care for and afford. 

No electricity, so homes will be lit by candlelight

No outhouses, and no pee bushes. Ideally the use of chamber pots (my favorite is in this set, it doesn't need privacy) indoors, but if you aren't using cc you're allowed an indoor toilet from the bb catalog until your sims can make the woodworking one.

No drywall or wallpaper. Only the wealthy can have rugs or tapestries. Use your best judgement, do your research, or ask me  about other things in the home, as listing everything that is or isn't allowed will have us hear all day.

You may either grow and hunt for your own food or purchase it and/or ingredients.

Battle of Ponza (1300)

The naval Battle of Ponza took place on 14 June 1300 near the islands of Ponza and Zannone, in the Gulf of Gaeta (north-west of Naples), when a galley fleet commanded by Roger of Lauria defeated an Aragonese-Sicilian galley fleet commanded by Conrad d'Oria.”

Flip a coin for all male sims who live in the area’s mentioned, this determines if they are enlisted. Tails means they are enlisted.

Roll a D6, and 2 means your soldier dies.

1302–1303 Famine in Spain and Italy

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

1304 Famine In France

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

1305 Famine In France

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Siege of Algeciras (1309–10)

“The siege of Algeciras was a battle of the Spanish Reconquista that occurred between July 1309 and January 1310. The battle was fought between the forces of the Kingdom of Castile, commanded by King Ferdinand IV of Castile and his vassals, and the Emirate of Granada commanded by Sultan Abu'l-Juyush Nasr.”

Roll a D6 dice for spanish ALL male sims, teen to adult, 3 means they are enlisted.

At the end of the siege, roll a D20 dice for all sims that were enlisted in , if they roll a 7 or 14, they die.

ALL sims cannot leave the lot till the siege is over.

1310 Famine In France

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Second Siege of Gibraltar (1315)

“The second siege of Gibraltar was an abortive attempt in 1316 by the forces of the Azafid Ceuta and the Nasrid Emirate of Granada to recapture Gibraltar, which had fallen to the forces of Ferdinand IV of Castile in 1309.”

Roll a D6 dice for spanish ALL male sims, teen to adult, 3 means they are enlisted.

At the end of the siege, roll a D10 dice for all sims that were enlisted, if they roll a 7, they die.

ALL sims cannot leave the lot till the siege is over.

1315–18 Bruce campaign in Ireland

“The Bruce campaign was a three-year military campaign in Ireland by Edward Bruce, brother of the Scottish king Robert the Bruce. It lasted from his landing at Larne in 1315 to his defeat and death in 1318 at the Battle of Faughart in County Louth.”

Roll a D12 for all sims living in Ireland or Scotland (including side households)

3 means they die of Murder

4 means they die of hunger

5 means they die of Disease

Great Famine of 1315–1317

Roll D10 for each animal you own 

if 3 or 7 are rolled, the animal survives (chicken, cows and llamas sold for meat)

Every household is affected! All crops die. They may be replanted starting in 1316, but at the end of both 1316 and 1317, a coin must be flipped  tails kills all plants.

D12 rolled each of the 3 years for each sim

2 means they die of hunger. And 5 means they die of thirst.

Battle of Picotin (1316)

Roll a D12 for all 16+ male sims living in Spain

3 means theyre enlisted

All who are enlisted die

Battle of Manolada (1316)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain and France

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

1321 Famine in England

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Aragonese conquest of Sardinia (1323–26)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

Siege of Villa di Chiesa (1323–24)

“The siege of Villa di Chiesa (today Iglesias) was carried out by the army of the Crown of Aragon (under the command of Alfonso IV of Aragon) and of the giudicato of Arborea, between the summer of 1323 and the winter of 1324. It represented the first act of the Aragonese conquest of Pisan Sardinia, for the creation of the Kingdom of Sardinia.”

Roll a D6 dice for ALL male sims, teen to adult, 3 means they are enlisted.

At the end of the siege, roll a D10 dice for all sims that were enlisted, if they roll a 3 or 8, they die.

ALL sims cannot leave the lot till the siege is over.

Battle of Lucocisterna (1324)

Roll a D12 for all 16+ male sims in Spain

4 means theyre enlisted
Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Italy

7 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

1328–1330 Famine in Italy, Spain and Ireland

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Battle of Teba (1330)

“The Battle of Teba took place in August 1330, in the valley below the fortress of Teba, now a town in the province of Málaga in Andalusia, southern Spain. The encounter occurred during the frontier campaign waged between 1327 and 1333 by Alfonso XI of Castile against Muhammed IV, Sultan of Granada.”

Roll a D6 dice for all male sims, teen-adult who live in the area’s mentioned, this determines if they are enlisted. 5 means they are enlisted. 

Roll a D12, and 2 or 6 means your soldier dies.

Genoese–Catalan War (1330–36)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

1333–38 Burke Civil War

Roll a D12 for all sims living in Ireland (including side households)

3 means they die of Murder

4 means they die of hunger

5 means they die of Disease

Chinese famine of 1333–1337

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D6 for all sims (including side households)

3 means they die of thirst.

4 means they die of hunger

5 means they die of pestilence

Luso-Castillian War (1336–37)

“The Battle of Villanueva de Barcarrota took place during the 1336 war in which King Afonso IV of Portugal and his Castilian allies, Juan Manuel, Prince of Villena, and Juan Núñez III de Lara, opposed King Alfonso XI of Castile. The Battle of Cape St Vincent of 1337 took place on 21 July 1337 between a Castilian fleet commanded by Alfonso Jofre Tenorio and a Portuguese fleet led by the Luso-Genoese admiral Emanuele Pessagno (Manuel Pessanha). The fledgling Portuguese fleet was defeated, bringing a quick end to the brief Luso-Castilian war that begun in 1336.”

Roll a D6 dice for all male sims, teen-adult who live in the area’s mentioned, this determines if they are enlisted. 5 means they are enlisted. 

Roll a D12, a 6 means your soldier dies.

1337 -1453 100 Year War

English Channel naval campaign (1338–39)

“The English Channel naval campaign of the years 1338 and 1339 saw a protracted series of raids conducted by the nascent French navy and numerous private raiders and pirates against English towns, shipping and islands in the English Channel, which caused widespread panic, damage and financial loss to the region and prompted a serious readjustment of English finances during the early stages of the Hundred Years' War.”

Roll a D6 for all male sims, teen-adult who live in the area’s mentioned, this determines if they are enlisted. 

2 means they are enlisted. 

Roll a D8, a 3 or 7 means your soldier dies.

Roll a D12 for all civilian english sims, 1 means they die.

1339–1340 Famine in Italy, Spain and Ireland

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Battle of Río Salado (1340)

“The Battle of Río Salado also known as the Battle of Tarifa (30 October 1340) was a battle of the armies of King Afonso IV of Portugal and King Alfonso XI of Castile against those of Sultan Abu al-Hasan 'Ali of the Marinid dynasty and Yusuf I of Granada.”

Flip a coin for all male sims who live in the area’s mentioned, this determines if they are enlisted. Tails means they are enlisted. Heads means they are not enlisted.

Roll a D6, and 2 or 6 means your soldier dies.

Battle of Estepona (1342)

“The Battle of Estepona was a naval battle that occurred in the year 1342 between the armada of the Crown of Aragon, commanded by Admiral Pere de Montcada, against the fleet of the Marinid Dynasty. The battle took place in the Bay of Estepona in the Strait of Gibraltar and resulted in an Aragonese victory and a rout of the Marinid fleet.”

Roll a D8 dice for all male sims, teen-adult who live in the area’s mentioned, this determines if they are enlisted. 7 means they are enlisted. 

No death rolls.

Siege of Algeciras (1342–1344)

“The siege of Algeciras (1342–1344) was undertaken during the Reconquest of Spain by the Castillian forces of Alfonso XI assisted by the fleets of the Kingdom of Aragon and the Republic of Genoa. The objective was to capture the Muslim city of Al-Jazeera Al-Khadra, called Algeciras by Christians. The city was the capital and the main port of the European territory of the Marinid Empire.”

Roll a D6 dice for ALL male sims, teen to adult, 1 means they are enlisted.

At the end of the siege, roll a D20 dice for all sims that were enlisted in , if they roll a 8 or 16, they die.

1344–1345 Famine in India

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

1346–1347 Famine in France, Italy and Spain

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

1348 The Black Plague

Battle of Llucmajor (1349)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain

4 means theyre enlisted

Flip a coin for all enlisted

heads means they die

1349–1351 Famine In France

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Battle of Winchelsea (1350)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain

4 means theyre enlisted

Flip a coin for all enlisted

heads means they die

1351 Famine In England

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Siege of Alghero (1354)

Roll a D6 dice for ALL male sims, teen to adult, 1 means they are enlisted.

At the end of the siege, roll a D20 dice for all sims that were enlisted in , if they roll a 8 or 16, they die.

ALL sims cannot leave the lot till the siege is over.

War of the Two Peters (1356–75)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

1358–1360 Famine In France

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Battle of Linuesa (1361)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

Battle of Guadix (1362)

Roll a D8 for all 16+ male sims in Spain

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

Castilian Civil War (1366–69)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

Siege of León (1368)

“The siege of León of 1368 was a successful siege of the city by the pretender Henry of Trastámara, in the course of the Castilian Civil War.”

Roll a D6 dice for ALL male sims, teen to adult, 3 means they are enlisted.

At the end of the siege, don’t do death rolls. Anyone enlisted gets to live.

ALL sims cannot leave the lot till the siege is over.

Note: You should roll to see who or if anyone will be enlisted but literally right after that roll, you’ll do death rolls for this event but since this event doesn’t have to do death rolls, nothing really happens.

1369 Famine In England

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

Battle of Montiel (1369)

Roll a D8 for all 16+ male sims in Spain and France

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

Siege of Algeciras (1369)

“The siege of Algeciras (1369) was undertaken during the period of the Reconquest of Spain by Muhammed V, Sultan of Granada to reclaim the city of Al-Hadra Al-Yazirat, called Algeciras by the Christians, in the Kingdom of Castile. The siege lasted just three days, and the sultan was victorious. The Muslims thus regained a major city which had been in Castilian hands since Alfonso XI of Castile took it from the Moroccans after the long 1342–1344 siege. Ten years after the capture of the city, in 1379 the sultan of Granada decided to completely destroy the city to prevent it falling into Christian hands. It was impossible to defend the place at a time when the Muslim kings of the Iberian Peninsula had lost much of military power they enjoyed in earlier centuries.”

Roll a D6 dice for ALL male sims, teen to adult, 2 means they are enlisted.

At the end of the siege, roll a D20 dice for all sims that were enlisted in , if they roll a 1 or 11, they die.

ALL sims cannot leave the lot till the siege is over.

1371 Famine In France 

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of thirst.

Battle of La Rochelle (1372)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain and England

4 means theyre enlisted

All enlisted English die

Roll a D20 for all enlisted Spaniards

5 means they die

1374–1375 Famine In Egypt 

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

1374–1375 Famine in France, Italy and Spain

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!
Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.
Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of thirst.

War of the Eight Saints (1375–78)

The War of the Eight Saints (1375–1378) was a war between Pope Gregory XI and a coalition of Italian city-states led by Florence that contributed to the end of the Avignon Papacy

Flip a coin for all male sims who live in Italy, this determines if they are 

enlisted. Tails means they are enlisted.

Roll a D6, and 3 or 5 means your soldier dies.

Third Fernandine War (1381–82)

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain, Portugal, and England

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

1381 Peasants' Revolt

Roll a D10 for all male 16+ sims in england

If the roll is 1 to 5, they join the revolt.

If the roll is 6 to 10, they remain uninvolved.

Roll a D6 for each rebel:

If the roll is 1 to 2, they are killed in the revolt.

If the roll is 3 to 6, they survive the uprising.

1383–1385 Portuguese interregnum

Roll a D20 for all 16+ male sims in Spain and Portugal

4 means theyre enlisted

Roll a D20 for all enlisted

5 means they die

1390–1391 Famine In France

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of thirst.

1394–1396 Famine In Egypt 

Flip a coin to see if your family is directly affected!
Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.
Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.

1396–1407 The Durga Devi famine-India

1396-1407 The Durga Devi famine in India, lasting twelve years. 

Flip a coin each year to see if your family is directly affected!

Heads mean all crops die and cannot plant unless you get tails on a flip. Must live off whatever crops you have stocked up.

Roll a D12 for all sims (including side households), 3 means they die of famine.