Telegraph & Morse Code

This hands-on lesson will teach students about a form of communication that was prominent during the middle of the 1800's. Telegraphs, they were revolutionary as they helped to communicate over long distances. In this lesson students will learn a small part of the process in sending a message across the country. They will program their Circuit Playground Express to imitate a telegraph that would have been used to communicate, through long and short dashes. This program will allow students to communicate using morse code. 


Step 1: Draw Map of U.S


Step 2: Sew CPE to felt using normal thread

Step 3: Connect Adapter Cord to CPE

This CPE on the East coast will represent the initial message sent.

Step 4: Place small LED on other side of map (west coast)

This West coast LED will represent the telegraph station that received the message from the East coast messenger. 

Step 5A: 

Sow with copper thread from A0 to Positive side of LED

Step 5B: 

Anchor LED to felt through positive side.

Step 5C: 

Sew with copper thread from Negative side to ground (GND) on CPE.

Using the CPE Telegraph

Students can then create their own codes with these telegraphs. As stated below a word can be made with long blink and a short blink. 

Button A represents a "dot", and you tap the button.

Button B represents a "dash", and you hold the button down.

International Morse Code