Suzanna Elizabeth Winters

Suzanna Elizabeth Winters was born on January 4th, 1884 in the Chapeltown area of Sheffield and was baptised close to her home in March of the same year at Mount Pleasant Wesleyan Chapel. She was the eldest daughter of her parents George and Maria, and the second eldest of their seven children. The family relocated to the Selby area in the mid-1880’s, moving into the schoolhouse in Camblesforth where Maria Winters was headmistress. Suzannah’s father remained a farmer for the rest of his life.

As a young woman, Suzannah worked as a domestic servant in the Selby area before joining the war effort as a nurse in July of 1918. She served at the general military hospital in Sheffield until the end of the war, leaving the nursing service in February of 1919. Following the war, Suzannah moved back to Camblesforth to live with her sister and in the second world war volunteered as an air raid warden with the ARP. Suzannah never married and never had any children. Later in her life she moved to the Goole area where she remained until her death in 1974.

We Will Remember Her.

Mount Pleasant Chapel, Sheffield
Winter Family 1891 Census Record
Winter Family 1901 Census Record
Suzannah Winters in the 1939 Register