How to Login

Learn how to login to the Ektron Editor.

*Note: all references to "University Relations" is now known as "Marketing and Communications".


  1. Watch video

  2. Practice log in

  3. Practice log out

  4. Locate the work area



  • Go to

  • Log-in using your SD Mines network/ID username and passwords. (It may take some time to load.)

    • See specific credential information, below.

  • Once you have logged in, click on "Workarea".

Login Information and Troubleshooting:

Faculty and Staff Credentials: Your login will always be your network username and network password.

  • Your username is your first initial and last name - up to 8 characters.

  • Your username is not your email address.

Student Credentials: your login will always be your student ID# and network password.

Off-campus Access: If you are trying to login off-campus or on another wifi network, you will need to use a VPN connection.

Make sure you are using the correct Log In link: The other issue could be that you are trying to login using the wrong link. You must use this link:

If you receive a 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied error message: You will need to be on-campus or by vpn to work in ektron. Here is some more information on this: and

If the troubleshooting items above do not work: please submit a detailed job request with:

  1. explain the issues

  2. explain how you are logging in

  3. send your specific path (URLS)

  4. send any supporting screenshots

A member of the web team will contact you with a solution as quickly as possible.


Publishing on the SD Mines Website - Ektron Instructions (.pdf)