Payroll Information

The Faculty Forum advocates that every member is compensated appropriately for work they complete. We also want to make sure that this pay makes its way into your bank account. We want to inform our membership that the payroll process currently has manual points of data entry that can result in human error. For that reason, we ask that each member verify that they are getting paid properly.

Error Resolution

If you find an error in your pay, you can contact with your concerns. You should state the error, why you feel it is an error, as well as your desired resolution to that error. Payroll can, and should, issue separate and expedient payment to rectify errors if that is how you'd like your error rectified. If your payroll issue is not resolved to your liking, please contact the Forum leadership team at:

Where to Verify Payroll

Faculty pay is often more complicated than non-faculty pay, so we will look at how to verify the payroll is correct.

One way you can verify your teaching load in WebAdvisor by going to the Faculty page, then selecting "College Credit - Employment Verification / Faculty Contract" from under the "Personal Profile" heading. Full time faculty should use this form to verify their base bay is being calculated based on the correct years of experience and education. While you can use this form to verify supplemental and overload instruction, this form is not available as early as My Stipends.

The preferred way to verify your pay for additional assignments is correct is through Employees >> My Stipends. This will detail all payments with the exception of base bay for full-time faculty.

What to Verify

Now that you know where to check, where do errors get made? Most commonly errors get made in three ways:

  • Omitting courses that you are actually teaching, resulting in missing pay

  • Incorrectly inputting the start date and end date for the duration of the course

  • Incorrect amount of pay for non-contractual or other non-standard courses.

Part-time faculty should verify that all courses they are teaching are listed in My Stipends with the correct dates.

Full-time faculty should verify that all supplemental courses they are teaching are listed as well as any overload courses have the correct number of contact hours that extended beyond their base load.

Online Classes - Two Sections

One of the confusing aspects of verifying your stipends is that a course taught online will show up as two separate classes. This is because of an agreement Schoolcraft has with Michigan Colleges Online.

In your Class Roster, you will see both section numbers:

While Math 122 is a 4-credit class, it will appear as two different 2-credit classes in My Stipends:

Supplemental and Overload

These terms sometimes get used interchangeably in conversation, but actually mean different things.

Overload is essentially when a single course is broken up to have a portion count toward base load and a portion go above the base load requirement.

Supplemental contact hours are basically when you've already met base load and are teaching additional courses beyond that.

Full-time Faculty teach 30 contact hours per academic year as their base load. They select 14 - 16 contact hours during Fall as their base load. Faculty have the right to choose whether they have 14, 15, or 16 contact hours going toward base load. If a single course puts the faculty over this desired number of contact hours, then the remainder of the contact hours is considered overload. As an example, suppose an instructor is teaching all four-credit classes but wants to have 15 hours go toward base load. Then they can designate on their course selection form that their fourth class as counting 3 contact hours toward base and 1 contact hour of overload. When they do this, that one contact hour of overload should appear on their My Stipends (as seen in the screenshot above for Math 122 section 118798).

When full-time faculty select their Winter load, their base load must be the remainder of the 30 contact hours required. For example, if they taught 16 hours of base load in the Fall, then they must teach 14 hours in the Winter. Similarly, when a single course would put a faculty member over the required contact hours of base load, the remainder of those contact hours for the course should be counted as overload, and appear on My Stipends.

Course Preparation Pay

You should verify that you are receiving Course Preparation Pay, if eligible. Course Preparation Pay is fully defined in Article VI Section 6, but only applies to your base load selections. In simple terms, you don't receive additional pay for your first three preps (completely different courses that you teach). For any courses in your base load beyond those three preps, you should be receiving $150 per course contact hour. Please read the actual contract language to determine your eligibility, as this is generalized simplification.