What are the benefits of joining the Faculty Forum?

The Faculty Forum is dedicated to protecting the wages, benefits and working conditions of all faculty members here at Schoolcraft College. We have worked hard to ensure that Schoolcraft faculty enjoy competitive wages and good benefits. Beyond the obvious pay and benefits packages that we negotiate, we strive to create a professional environment that is inclusive and supportive. By joining our union you are not only helping to better the financial structure for faculty, but you are contributing to the building of a larger community of scholars and teachers. The Forum serves as resource to answer contractual questions and protect faculty from employment decisions that are arbitrary and capricious. When there is an issue to be grieved or situations of possible discipline arise, the Forum works diligently to provide faculty with fair and skillful representation. Our members work collectively to create a learning atmosphere that encourages student growth and learning. We work jointly with the College administration to promote Schoolcraft’s mission of transforming lives through quality education. Professionally, we are committed to preserving the academic freedoms that serve as a hallmark of higher education learning institutions. Our members are strongly encouraged and supported to develop and pursue a wide range of professional development opportunities. These avenues can be found here on campus and afield.

In addition to the employment representation and contract negotiations, members have access to a host of other benefits that include: professional development, member discounts, access to insurance and financial services. For more information watch the MEA Advantage video located on the membership page or check out www.mea.org/advantage

Am I required to join the union?

No, you are not required to join the union, however through our professional organization we are dedicated to serving our members' employment needs, while advocating for students to receive a high quality, cost effective, college education. It is our mission to create the best workplace environment for our members because supported faculty who feel satisfied and empowered are passionate about creating a high quality learning environment for students. We work hard on your behalf to develop a collaborative working relationship with administration in which faculty are viewed as a trusted partner in instructional matters to ensure our students are receiving a high quality, affordable education. This is achieved through a strong negotiating process and inscribed in our Master Collective Bargaining Agreement.

How much are the dues?

Dues are separated into 4 parts: NEA assessment, MEA assessment, Local Dues and AIM. The NEA assessment is based on your teaching load and varies based on up to 25%, 50% or 100% of a full teaching load. At Schoolcraft, a full teaching load is 15 credit hours per semester. The MEA assessment is based on 1.5% or 1.44% of your prior year contracted wage up to a maximum wage threshold. The local dues stays with the Schoolcraft Faculty Forum to fund our efforts on campus to negotiate contracts and handle internal employment matters. The local dues are 0.3% of your prior year contracted wages. AIM represents an all inclusive membership, which is prepaying for lifetime retiree membership with the MEA while you are working rather than paying once you have retired. AIM is OPTIONAL. A dues chart is available with the current rates under the membership information tab.

How are MEA dues determined?

MEA dues are set by delegates to the MEA Representative Assembly in conjunction with adoption of the MEA budget. Per MEA governance documents, the MEA active membership fee is 1.5% for annual salaries greater than $15,000 and 1.44% for annual salaries less than $15,000 of each member’s contractual salary/wage for the prior year ending June 30 earned for work in a bargaining unit represented by MEA or one of its affiliates provided that the active membership fee shall not exceed six hundred fifty-one ($651). It is important to note that the Representative Assembly has the authority to set a new percentage and cap (maximum dues) each year at its spring meeting.

How are NEA dues determined?

NEA dues are set by national level governance documents. Per the NEA Bylaws, the NEA full-time membership fee shall be ".00225 times the national average annual salary of classroom teachers in the public elementary and secondary schools (rounded to the nearest dollar) plus .00055 of the national average annual salary of classroom teachers in the public elementary and secondary schools (rounded to the nearest dollar) to be allocated to the UniServ grants according to the policy of the NEA Board of Directors." The dues are based on prior year salary data. The MEA provides us with a flat rate per year for NEA dues.

What is AIM?

AIM stands for All Inclusive Member. AIM was adopted by the 2003 Spring Representative Assembly to help members who wish to do so become lifetime members of MEA-Retired/NEA-Retired. As a lifetime member of MEA-Retired/NEA-Retired you will have the ability to continue to invest and purchase insurance through MEA Financial Services; maintain work site liability insurance through NEA (EEL) should you return to work; receive NEA/NEA-Retired and MEA/MEA-Retired communications on issues important to public education and retirement; and have continued lobbying on behalf of all active and retired members. Members may join MEA-Retired by paying $450 in a lump sum or paying in installments as part of the dues during the course of active employment. Payment of the total MEA-Retired membership fee entitles a member to lifetime membership in MEA-Retired/NEA-Retired. Members not wishing to join MEA-Retired through the AIM program must communicate that desire in writing to their local by opting out of the program on the membership application. If you do not opt out on the membership application, the current AIM will be included in your dues. For more information about retiree membership see the MEA - Retired page.

Who is my department representative?

You can view a complete list of department representatives under the information and events tab.

How much of my dues go to political candidates?

None! State and federal campaign finance law states that we are not allowed to contribute dues money to political candidates – so we don’t! Only voluntary contributions to the MEA Political Action Committee (MEA-PAC) or the NEA Fund for Children and Public education can be used for that purpose at the state and federal level, respectively. However, every decision affecting public education is made by an elected politician at some level (local, state or federal). As such, dues dollars can be and are used to lobby lawmakers and communicate about important education issues with the public.

What should I do if I am called into an investigatory meeting?

Whenever you are summoned into an investigatory meeting with an administrator you should ask what it's concerning and whether any discipline might be involved. If the answer to the discipline question is yes, you should contact the Forum's Professional Problems Committee to have one of them accompany you to the meeting. You don't get the opportunity for a "do-over" if the meeting ends in a disciplinary action, so take advantage of representation if you find yourself in this situation. Committee members names and emails are listed on the home page on this website. You also need to be aware of your Weingarten Rights.

What are my Weingarten Rights?

Weingarten rights address the right of members to have Union representation during an investigatory interview. An investigatory interview occurs which a Supervisor questions a member to obtain information that could be used as a basis for discipline or asks an employee to defend his/her conduct. If a member has reasonable belief that discipline or other adverse consequences may result from what he/she says, the member has a right to union representation by a person of his/her choice. A member must state to the employer that he/she wants a Union representative present; the employer has no obligation to inform you of this right.

Under the Supreme Court's Weingarten decision, when an investigatory interview occurs the following rules apply:

Rule 1 - The member must make a clear request for Union representation before or during the interview. The employee can't be punished for making this request.

Rule 2 - After the member makes the request, the employer must choose from among 3 options:

  1. Grant the request and delay the interview until the Union representative arrives and has a chance to consult privately with the member; or

  2. Deny the request and end the interview immediately; or

  3. Give the member a choice of having the interview without representation or ending the interview.

Rule 3 - If the employer denies the request for union representation, and continues to ask questions, the employer commits an unfair labor practice and the member has a right to refuse to answer. The employer may not discipline for such refusal. (Source: MEA, Building Full Capacity Locals, page 10)

Can I obtain professional development funds?

Yes, but the amount is limited based on your employment status. To obtain professional development funds follow the reimbursement procedures and complete the reimbursement form located on WebAdvisor or on campus on the v-Forms Drive at: V:\Instruction\Faculty Prof.Dev.Reimbursement Forms. The MEA also provides training opportunities for professional development. See more information about MEA professional development opportunities at MEA - Supporting Innovative Professional Development.

Where can I find financial information about the NEA?

Financial information can be found for the NEA at the Department of Labor and Statistic website. Reports are available to the public regarding financial information and other disclosures by the NEA. You can find information by going to US Department of Labor - Union Search. Click view a union report. Search for the MEA using file number 512 840.

What if I want to opt out of membership?

If you choose to resign from the union, all resignations of MEA and Forum membership must be submitted in writing, indicating the intention to resign, signed and dated by the member. Resignation letters can be mailed to MEA at P.O. Box 51, East Lansing, MI 48826. A copy of the letter must also be sent to the Schoolcraft Faculty Forum membership chair, Michelle Randall, and to Human Resources. To resign by email you must send their resignation email to: resignation@mea.org, scforum-treasurer@googlegroups.com and HR@schoolcraft.edu. The resignation email must state the intention to resign and include your name. MEA suggests including the membership number, the name of the local association of which they are a bargaining unit member, and the name of the member’s employer to ensure accurate identification. Schoolcraft Faculty Forum bargaining unit number is 100825. Resignations will be honored upon receipt by MEA after they are processed. While you now may resign your MEA membership, be aware that you will be giving up your benefits of MEA membership. So you fully understand the benefits lost from resignation please review the attached Nonmember Informed Consent Form, initial and sign it, and send it along with your resignation letter. By resigning from the union, you are still employed under the Master Agreement; however you are unable to vote in any union matters related to our employment contract. You will also lose your voice in any Faculty Forum matters. Any questions should be directed to the MEA Help Center at 1-866-632-4357