Committee Opportunities


Senate meetings are held monthly. At the senate meetings the officers and committee members will report on their areas of responsibility. Senators can then communicate back to their departments what is going on at the College. Some decisions are made by vote at Senate meetings as well. Senators should be from every area of our unit: part-time, full-time, faculty, librarians, etc. Please see the Information and Events page for dates and times of Senate meetings.

​Online Instruction Committee (OIC)

Being a member of the OIC is a way to be a liaison between Distance Learning and faculty. By joining this committee, you can advocate for faculty in regards to Distance Learning as well as gather fresh ideas by seeing all the courses that are approved using the Quality Matters Rubric. The purpose of this committee is:

  • To review and approve courses developed prior to offering through Distance Learning

  • To act as a liaison between the Distance Learning department and the academic community.

  • To consider and recommend procedure updates, such as course design template, rubrics, evaluation, etc. related to the development and offering of Distance Learning courses and to approve the mentoring plan. These recommendations are presented to the designated administrator.

In order to serve on the committee, you do need to complete a training course for being a Quality Matters Peer Reviewer. The College will cover the cost of the training.

If you agree to serve on the committee, we ask for a gentle person's agreement that you will serve for a three-year term, since there is training and experience involved.

This is a paid committee, where you get paid 1 contact hour per year.

Since this is a paid position, you are expected to attend all meetings and participate. Meetings are held at 9 a.m. on the first Friday of each month. You will want to make sure you're available till at least noon on the first Friday of the month, though typically meetings last about 90 - 120 minutes. Course reviews are rotated between the members of the OIC, and will take 4 - 8 hours. Depending on how many members are on the committee, you can expect to be assigned a review every 2 - 4 months.

*This committee does meet in June and August. So there is work outside the contractual Academic Year that you should be aware of.

If you have questions about what it is like to be on OIC, please contact Brad Stetson, Math Dept. ( and/or the President of the Faculty Forum.

OIC Rotational Policy

Faculty Evaluations Concerns Committee (FECC)

The Faculty Evaluation Concerns Committee (FECC) is responsible for faculty evaluation procedures. It is comprised of an equal number of administrators - chosen by the College - and faculty - chosen by the Faculty Forum. It will review and recommend to the Faculty Forum and the College any changes that need to be made to the evaluation procedures and approve exceptions to those procedures.

Additionally, in the case of an appeal, the committee will review the faculty packet and evaluations results, and make a decision to forward to the administrator and the faculty member.

Lastly, the committee serves as a resource for evaluation concerns and questions.

Professional Development Committee

Members of the Professional Development Committee review aggregate data from faculty evaluations to determine what professional development is necessary at the college. The members can then work with the Center for Academic and Faculty Excellence (CAFE) to create and implement the professional development.

Calendar Committee

The Calendar Committee works to complete the calendars that are found in the appendices of the Faculty Master Contract. These calendars are typically completed prior to contract negotiations. This helps the negotiators to focus on other areas of concern. By completing this work outside of the negotiating table, it allows for more attention to detail for concerns such as turnaround time on grading in the calendar.

Professional Problems Committee

Members of the Professional Problems Committee assist the President and Contract Enforcer with representing members in investigatory meetings (IMs) and other situations in which a member may seek Forum representation.

Election Committee

The Election Committee consists of members that are neither officers nor running for a Forum office. The Election Committee is responsible for sending out notices and reminders regarding elections, recruiting and organizing volunteers for the polling times and locations, consulting with the treasurer to ensure who is eligible to vote, & tabulating and reporting the results of the elections.

Member Recognition Committee

The Member Recognition Committee organizes the Forum Awards and Reception event at the end of the academic year.