Membership Information

Community, Advocacy, Tradition

The Faculty Forum is your professional faculty union. We are a community of full-time and part-time professional faculty, advisors, counselors, and librarians. We are affiliated with both the Michigan Education Association (MEA) and the National Educational Association (NEA).

We have a long-standing tradition of advocating on behalf of our members as its official collective bargaining agent on campus. Together, we share a voice in instructional matters to ensure our students are receiving a high quality, cost-effective education.

 “What can the union do for me?”  The answer is PLENTY

For a comparison of what you get with membership vs. without membership, review this comparison: Forum Mebership vs. Non-Member Benefits. It is vital that we have a strong membership with active participants to maintain a quality work environment in which students, faculty and staff can thrive. 

Ready to Join? 

Complete the Faculty Forum Membership Form 

Paying dues – you can estimate your dues by using our dues calculator below.  You have the option of making a cash payment or payroll deduction. Payroll deductions are taken in installments over the semester and represent the most convenient way to pay your dues.

All Inclusive Membership (AIM) involves pre-paying for continued MEA and NEA membership rights and benefits through retirement. You will be automatically enrolled unless you choose to opt-out. To opt-out, check the box in the middle of the application form.

Remember to sign the form, keep a copy for your records and send to membership chair at 

Need help? 

Contact your union membership team at 

Stay Informed with Non Work Email

To stay informed of social and professional events, we use non-work e-mail. You will want to make sure your Primary Email on your MEA account is set to a non-"" email address. 

Estimate your Dues