Autism Spectrum Support & Training 

We deliver training on Autism and school support for managing children with autism. 

Please call for a no obligation discussion of needs: 07946728713 email: or 07947369701

Both Steve and Andrea worked for a Local Authority Autism Outreach Team for many years. Steve has also worked in Specialist settings supporting children on the spectrum. They both attended the Worcester University Working with Children with Autism Accredited Course.

Whilst working for the LA Andrea delivered all levels/Tiers of School Aged AET courses (and some extension courses) and Tier 1 Early Years. (She was also involved in writing and delivering the lead practitioner and strategic lead citywide training e.g. PDA, sensory)

Steve has written articles, appeared in videos and  written and contributed to books about Autism and Challenging behaviour. Steve was part of the IDP (Inclusion Development Programme) for Autism.

Steve, Andrea, Amy and Alison have facilitated parent groups for parents/carers of autistic children. 

Autism in the Early Years Course: 25th April 2023  Fully Booked 

What people say about SEND Training:

"Really enjoyed both sessions - the jokes, mini-clips and past stories make information easier to understand and relate to. It's great for serious info to be shared informally." Teacher in mainstream Junior School re ASD training.

"Great ideas for resources." Teacher in mainstream Junior School re ASD training.

"I really enjoyed the course...I stayed focused and I'm looking forward to the next lesson. It's nice to see people who show a passion for their work and children, thank you both." TA in a large Inner City School re 4 day course

"I have really enjoyed today's learning and stayed focused the whole day (which is a miracle). Thank you for the practical activities and sharing experiences." TA re 4 day course

"A very good day - everything was clearly explained and now I will understand why some children do the things they do!!" TA

"I did not know about proprioception, vestibular and interoception, but I do now and I actually understand them." TA re Sensory training

"Very well delivered, enjoyed the practical activities. Have more knowledge on PDA. Understood the sensory differences much better, useful resources to take back..great ideas shared as a group."

"I really enjoyed today's training again, I found that when I got back to the school the next day I felt a bit more confident and calm, I look at the children different knowing what I learnt would be of use to these children. Thank you very much for your help, looking forward to the next training, oh and thanks for explaining about PDA - I thought I knew but I did not!" 

A few Celeb's reported to have a diagnosis ASD 

Suspects (not confirmed):