Brick-By-Brick® Groups

Contact Steve for more details

Steve, Alison and Andrea are trained Play Included Brick-by-Brick® (formerly Lego®️ Based Therapy)  facilitator. They can work with groups of children using Lego®️ bricks to develop skills such as collaboration, communication, problem-solving, turn-taking, conflict resolution and friendship. 

This method has been successful with autistic children, those with social communication needs and those who need a bit of support in peer groups.

Ideally groups run for 12 weeks minimum for the best results. email for more information. 

Parents: Here's a link to Play Included FREE home activities - For home | Play Included 

Schools: Free Play Included Friendship whole class activity -  Play Included 

A link to Play Included safeguarding policy can be found here.

A link to The Lego®️ Foundation safeguarding policy can be found here.