Glimpses from Palestine

A virtual time machine tour

Palestine is a country that is known for living in political conflict for decades. Since 1948 the Palestinian refugees are not allowed to return to Palestine, and not even for a visit. Glimpses from Palestine VR Mobile application allows the user to travel and see videos from various locations and cities in Palestine. Most of the villages that the Palestinian refugees were living in them got demolished. The application also enables the user to travel around time and see the villages before they get destroyed and how they looked. Villages got remodeled depending on old pictures and maps for the location of the villages. That was my Master thesis project, therefore, my role here was to build everything from idea to research and finish it with usability testing for the prototype.


The methodological approach to design case studies has been taken. Interviews with Palestinians in the diaspora and from Palestinians who lived in those villages. The interviews included non-Palestinians for incorporating different perspectives. Also, I conducted expert interviews in VR. Thinking aloud was a method that I followed to explore the user needs and requirements.


I decided to build a curved UI, where the user can feel surrounded by it, immersed and interact with the components easier. The user will be taken to the main scene of the city when the user chooses the desired city that he wants to see. Since the images are large, the selection area is by the name of the city at the bottom of the image. I have implemented three virtual environment buttons that provide information about the location and a menu which allows the user to be transported to different locations or the main menu. I placed those buttons underneath the user's vision, so they do not interfere with the surrounding, but the user can see them when he looks down. From the right a hamburger button, I made it the menu button for the user to have the ability to change the location by opening a panel and show the user multiple locations inside the city or to get back to the main menu and change the city. The middle button is the Info button. When the user selects it, a small bar will appear at the bottom of the screen. The X button is made for closing the Menu button and also the info bar. when it is selected it will close any of the open panels.