Spirited Mend


2 Prayer




Stone Cleric Inventory

"Restore HP and reduce wounding. Whether by the old gods, the new, or the pure will of man, great faith in a power beyond the mortal realm is always answered."


  • Can be bought from the following Stone Clerics:

^ The Three : Devotion Level 2

^ Devara's Light : Devotion Level 3

^ The Iron Ones : Devotion Level 2

^ The Stone Roots : Devotion Level 2

^ The House of Splendor : Devotion Level 2

^ Keepers of Fire and Sky : Devotion Level 2

^ Order of the Betrayer : Devotion Level 2

  • Heals the player's HP using the following formula : 200+(Wisdom*4).

  • Heals the player's Wounds using the following formula : 20+(Wisdom*0.4).

^ These effects apply to co-op partners as well if they are within range.