Multiplayer Mechanics

Though the Island is dreary and oppressive, make no mistake: you are not alone. Previous travelers may assist you along your journey, though whether it be through their successes or their failures is still uncertain. Be wary, however: not every individual who washes upon these shores is trustworthy, and deceivers are many among the not-yet-drowned.

Should your quest on The Island be too much to bear alone, you can always summon additional help to your side. Sellswords are available for hire, and though their loyalty may be questionable, sometimes a wary alliance is better than tackling an unbearable task alone.

Local Co-op (PC/PS4/Switch/XboxOne)

In order to initiate local co-op play, the host must have a Stone Sellsword item. Offer the item at a friendly sanctuary, and talk to the Sellsword NPC. The NPC will then allow the host to summon a sellsword. This sellsword chooses a character from the host's created characters list, so the host must have another character created before attempting local co-op.

For the PS4/XboxOne, make sure that a second account is available on your console for the summoned sellsword to use, and that they have made a character prior to attempting co-op. The summoned sellsword will not be allowed to enter character creation, and can only use pre-made characters on their account.

Online Co-op (PC)

Only available on PC via Steam. The host must be Friends with the summoned player, and will invite the summoned player to their game via the "Remote Play Together" option found in the Friends List. The summoned player does not need to own Salt and Sanctuary in order to play with the host.

When in-game, follow the "Local Co-Op" information above, as the process is exactly the same.

If an online summoned sellsword owns Salt and Sanctuary, they will not be able to use a character file from their saved games, only the host's list of characters. However, if the sellsword is able to copy their save file ahead of time and give it to the host, the host can implant it in their savedata folder. This will allow the sellsword to use their original character. Save data can be found at the following location : steam\steamapps\common\salt\savedata

*Note: Unless the sellsword's save file is returned to its original owner upon completing play, the sellsword will not gain any progress made while playing co-op with the host on their own computer.

Online Co-op (PS4 - Host's Characters Only Method)

This method will require the host to have two controllers and a second player account on their PS4.

Before starting, make sure that the host has another character made for the summoned sellsword to play as. The summoned sellsword cannot use a character from their PS4 with this particular method.

The host should go to their Stone Sellsword NPC, and summon this pre-made character into the game by logging into an alternate profile with their second controller. After summoning the character into the game, hold the 2nd controller's PS Button and log out of the 2nd controller's profile.

At this point, invite your friend to your party, select Share Play, and choose "Play a Game Together." This will allow them to control the summoned sellsword, and begin your cooperative adventure together.

Keep in mind, Share Play tries to limit you to one hour, and will warn you when time is almost up. To prevent this, stop Share Play in the party, then immediately start it again. You don't need to exit the game while doing so.

Note: To be sure to save the summoned sellsword's progress, the host must take back the shared controller from the summoned sellsword, take control of the summoned sellsword's character, and use the Sellsword Bell to disconnect them from the game. If this is not done by the host, it will not save the 2nd player's progress.

Online Co-op (PS4 - Guest Player's Character Method)

This method will require the host to have two controllers and a second player account on their PS4, as well as another PS+ account.

Warning: It is not recommended that this method be done with anyone you don't know or trust.

First, the summoned sellsword must upload their save to the Cloud. The host then needs to add the summoned sellsword's account onto their own PS4 (not the "Guest" option). The host then needs to download the summoned sellsword's cloud save onto their PS4.

The host will then log into their own account, open Salt and Sanctuary, load their character, and use the Stone Sellsword NPC to log in as the summoned sellsword's main character with their 2nd controller (hold the PS Button, and log into the summoned sellsword's account from there).

After both characters are loaded, the host will log out of the summoned sellsword's account by holding the PS Button on the 2nd controller.

The host then needs to go into the Playstation Menu, while the game is still running, and create a private party with the summoned sellsword. From there, the host needs to select Share Play and choose "Play a Game Together." This will allow the summoned sellsword to control their character, and begin your cooperative adventure together.

Keep in mind, Share Play tries to limit you to one hour, and will warn you when time is almost up. To prevent this, stop Share Play in the party, then immediately start it again. You don't need to exit the game while doing so.

Note: To be sure to save the summoned sellsword's progress, the host must take back the shared controller from the summoned sellsword, take control of the summoned sellsword's character, and use the Sellsword Bell to disconnect them from the game. If this is not done by the host, it will not save the 2nd player's progress.

Once this is complete, if the summoned sellsword wants their save progress on their own PS4, the host can log into their account for them and upload the save file to the Cloud. The summoned sellsword should then be able to download it from the Cloud on their own PS4.

Video reference:

Online Co-op (XboxOne)

Unfortunately, the XboxOne does not support online multiplayer services at this time.

Online Co-op (Switch)

Unfortunately, the Nintendo Switch does not support online multiplayer services at this time.

Online Co-op (PSVita)

Unfortunately, the PSVita does not support multiplayer services or content at this time.

PvP (Any Platform with Co-op)

In order to initiate PvP, the summoned sellsword must be present in the host's world. After summoning in a sellsword, use the Egg of Wrath item. Once crushed, PvP immediately begins, and will not end until one of the two players is killed.

Egg of Wrath items can be obtained by purchasing them from a Stone Sellsword NPC.

Effects of Multiplayer on the Host's World

Many changes will occur to the host's world while another player is present. The following is a quick list detailing these changes:

  • Enemy HP and Damage is increased

  • Healing prayers/resurrection prayers will aid other players (within a specific distance of the caster)

  • Salt and items dropped by enemies are shared among the party

^ Some items, such as end-tier upgrade materials and Key Items, are not shared

  • Gold dropped by enemies is not shared among the party

  • Sellswords cannot initiate NPC questlines or pick up Key Items

  • Sellswords cannot use claim a sanctuary for their creed, nor can they give offerings at a sanctuary

  • Sellswords will be granted the same Brands as the host, regardless of what the sellsword had in their save file

  • Sellswords cannot increase their rank in a creed via interacting with a Leader NPC

Other Online Mechanics

Salt and Sanctuary has multiple online mechanics that are hidden throughout the game, even if the co-op options are not utilized. So long as the player is online, the following mechanics will occur as the player plays through the game.


Just before a boss arena, there is a golden candelabra. The number of candles lit on the candelabra is actually a ratio of wins/losses against that particular boss by other players. More lit candles indicates that there are more wins against that boss than losses.

Jurney Bottles:

Messages in bottles can be found all around the world. These are messages are created by other players using the Jurney Bottle item. Keep in mind that messages can be deceiving as well as helpful, and take each message with a grain of salt. Many players tend to use these items to indicate Hidden Walls or help direct other players to hidden areas.

Hanging/Impaled Bodies:

Occasionally, players may see a multitude of hanging or impaled bodies. These bodies are other players who died in the nearby area. These bodies will display the actual builds of the deceased players, displaying their armors and character models.


The player may encounter gravestones littered throughout The Island. If the player smashes these gravestones, a ghost-like remnant of another character will appear, showing the player how that character died. These ghosts are actually the deaths of other players online.

Sanctuary Visitors:

Occasionally, the player may encounter other online players in the form of Sanctuary Visitors. These Visitors will enter the sanctuary, use it, and run out again. While further testing is still required for what criteria is needed for this to happen, it would appear that any online players also using that sanctuary at the same time have the possibility of being pulled into the host's world. Some Visitors come in the form of the host's past characters, whether the Host still has those saved characters or not. None of these Visitors can be interacted with, and serve only to show off other player's character builds, much like the Hanging/Impaled Bodies mentioned above.