Debug Menu

Test a build. Turn on GodMode. Spawn any items/materials you need. Or just remove the HUD and play in cinematic mode.

Welcome to the debug menu, where the Island is your oyster and everything is at your fingertips.

How To Access It

NOTE: Unfortunately, this method only works on PC. If there is another way to access the debug menu from other consoles, please reach out to me and let me know!

First you'll need to access and edit a config file for S&S. You'll liklely find it following this path:

> ProgramFilesx86 > Steam > SteamApps > Common > Salt and Sanctuary

After you've found the folder, open it and look for the "config.ini" file.

Inside there, there's a line of code that states "debug=0." Change that to "debug=1." Save and close.

From here on out, your debug menu is officially accessible in-game.

To use it, you'll simply press the following buttons to open up the menu:

Left Trigger + L3 (push in the left stick), then use the right stick to flip through all the debug menu options.

There are several pages of options in the menu. There's a page that gives you your typical godmodes/camera/noclip options, a page that spawns enemies and bosses, a page that spawns any item you want, and a page that can access some behind-the-scenes math.


Some of the items/enemies are not fully implemented in-game, and trying to spawn them may cause your game to crash. However, other items/enemies that aren't in-game *do* work as intended, and can add some great new modes of play (like the TwinMetal Ring).