
While these charms and trinkets may have been simply superstitious idols in the past, they have accumulated mysterious power on this Island. Attaching them to your weapons and equipment will grant these powers to you, giving you the edge on any opponent unwilling to believe.

Name and Effect


+10% Phys. Attack Damage

+10% Lightning Damage

Illuminates Surroundings

Stone Merchant (Creed???)

+10% Poison Damage

-50% Poison Defense (???)

+10% Attack Speed

+ 10 Reach on Weapon Attacks

+50% Damage at <25% HP

+10% Arcane Damage

+10% Stagger Damage

+5 Stagger

+10% Poison Damage

-Stamina Use for Melee Attacks

Unused Charms

Name and Effect


+10% Frost Damage (???)

Debug Menu

Speculated Treasure Pickup