EXTERNAL PROVIDERS (Purchasing & Supplier Management)

1. Purpose 

This document provides the process for all purchases of goods and services (excludes consumables that do not affect medical devices) which are authorized and purchased from Approved Suppliers and to provide for the evaluation of suppliers

This document covers the process for Purchasing / Control of External Providers and provide the basis for selection, evaluation, re-evaluation of suppliers and the procedure and documentation for purchasing and product verification in compliance of ISO13485 

2. Approval

(Version at end of page)

Signed V27,  AA 20.06.2024

3. Scope

The process covers all documents and process and products as defined in the SOP

4. Responsibilities

Approval: Author of the document, Alexi Arhondonis

Changes: Author of the document, Alexi Arhondonis

5. Definitions

External Provider - Supplier or subcontractors that provide materials or services

PRINCIPAL - Legal and Labelled manufacturer of the product

6. Abbreviations

SOP – Standard Operating Procedure

COA - Certificate of Analysis

COC - Certificate of Conformance

7. References

ISO13485 Clause 7.4

Provider Supplier Contracts Quality Agreements

8. Procedure

8.1 Purchasing Procedure (7.4.1)

a. Overseas & Local Suppliers click PROCEDURE

b. Internal computerized process and activities follows:

a) Supplier Evaluation, 

b) Supplier Selection, 

c) Purchasing Information (and acquisition), 

d) Incoming Goods verification, 

e) Supplier monitoring and 

f) Supplier re-evaluation if required

Purchasing Process

8.2 Supplier Management

8.3 Supplier Selection

Before a supplier is listed, the management member will take the following into consideration where relevant:

8.4 Provider Risk Assessment

Suppliers of manufactured products where the supplier is set and monitored as per an exclusive contract agreement, the  Level 0  is assigned where no selection, evaluation and re-evaluation; including a QA agreement, is followed.

Risk is classified as Level 1 (Significant/Critical), Level 2 (Medium) and Level 3 (Low) where the criteria is:

* Top Management reserved the right to conduct on-site audits but with communication to the supplier

Provider Risk Assessment

8.5 Purchasing Documentation (7.4.2)

8.5.1 QA Agreements

Purchasing information includes, as applicable, a written agreement that the supplier notify the organization of changes in the purchased product prior to implementation of any changes that affect the ability of the purchased product to meet specified purchase requirements.

This aspect also applies to OUTSOURCED activities (ISO 13485 4.1.5)

The template QA Agreement  can be applied

Note that the contract must specify roles and responsibilities;, although not actually record the title 'Contract Giver' and 'Contract Acceptor' the;

Contract Giver - as SA Health Protection Services (Pty) Ltd

Contract Acceptor - the external providers name

The contract maybe in the format of the External Provider as the contract giver to SA Health Protection Services (Pty) Ltd as the contract acceptor in term of financial obligations however  SA Health Protection Services (Pty) Ltd will ensure any aspects related to  safety and performance/ efficacy of the health product is covered.

8.6 Verification of Purchased Product (7.4.3)

Refer to WAREHOUSING SOP under the WAREHOUSING header for verification of goods and vehicles through a VERIFICATION FORM 

Delivery Note
Picking Slip
Receiving Report

8.7 Essential Requirements

for medicines SAHPRA GWP : 4.02 SA Guide to GWP v2 Oct2011 for comment.doc ; Recommended Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) should include as a minimum and when applicable:

a)       Rodent and pest control; 

b)   Cleaning services; 

c)   Couriers and freight forwarding (including any third party services); 

d) Calibration services; 

e) Fire extinguishers; 

f) Waste disposal;  

g) Preventive maintenance of critical equipment;  

h)   Security; and 

i) IT.

6.6 The SLAs must ensure that the service provider is compliant with Good Warehousing and Distribution Practices and will be held responsible for any deviation from the agreement.

6.7 The contract should permit the contract giver to visit the facilities of the contract acceptor for a vendor approval inspection.  

6.8 In accordance with Good Wholesaling and Distribution Practices, the contract giver is obliged to perform an annual vendor inspection at the premises of the contract acceptor.

6.9 All contract acceptors must comply with the relevant requirements stated in these guidelines.

6.10 Subcontracting of services by the contract acceptor may be permissible under certain conditions subject to a written approval by the contract giver.

9. Risk Based Approach

In the event of non compliance follow SOP  NON CONFORMANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION

Risk Based Approach Report

[Risk Assessment to is found in SOP PREVENTIVE ACTION RISK ASSESSMENT   refer Document]

9.1 Trend Analysis and Continual Improvement

The analytical reviews of supplier performance, and any other quality related matters, are reported to management and as part of the input to management review refer Data Analysis

The Trend analysis may identify any potential and recurring incidents, where corrective action must be reported at the management review to facilitate continual improvement.

 10. Revision History

Revision 27, 20.06.2024 - AA - Added hyperlink to 8.1.3 & 8.5.1 and corrected records for Device and Pharma suppliers

Revision 26, 07.12.2023 - SC - Approved

Revision 25, 19.08.2021 - AA - Approved

Revision 24, 01.07.2021 - TNA - updating responsibilities

Revision 23, 03.05.2021 - AA Approved

Revision 22, 30.04.2021 - SCR - Outsourced activities and QA Agreements included 8.5.1

Revision 21, 28.04.2021 - TNA - New format with Approval / Scope / Responsibilities, Risk based approach and Records and revision history added and new google site format.  Amending of Links and forms

Revision 20,  Digitally signed on 13.07.2020 by AA

Revision 1-19, unknown due to google site change to new google site

11. Records

Name Retained by/ in Retention period Hard copies Destroyed by

Suppliers Orders, Delivery notes, Certificates Finance 5 years YES

SAH SUPPLIER INFORMATION Google Site indefinite n/a

SUPPLIER  EVALUATION FORM Google Site indefinite n/a

SUPPLIER EVALUATION sheet (RECORD) Google Site indefinite n/a

SUPPLIER QUESTIONNAIRE Google Site indefinite n/a

PHARMA SUPPLIER RECORD Google Site indefinite n/a