1. Purpose 

This document provides the process for the practices that must be followed for handling, reporting and recording customer complaints, achieving customer feedback and focusing on customer aspects in compliance of ISO13485 & GWP in regards to medical devices and medicines

2. Approval

 (Version at end of page)

Signed V17   SCR AA 15.03.2022   

 3. Scope

The process covers all documents and process and products as defined in the SOP

4. Responsibilities

Approval: Author of the document, Alexi Arhondonis, SCR RP

Changes: Author of the document, Alexi Arhondonis

5. Definitions

Customer Complaint - A consumer complaint is "an expression of dissatisfaction on a consumer's behalf to a responsible party" (Landon, 1980). It can also be described in a positive sense as a report from a consumer providing documentation about a problem with a product or service

6. Abbreviations

CA - Corrective Action

NCCA – Non Conformance Corrective Action

SOP – Standard Operating Procedure 

7. References

ISO13485 Clause 7.2, 8.1, 8.2.2, 8.3, 8.5.2, 8.5.3

SOP Regulatory Control 

SOP Non Conformance Corrective Action

SOP Product Recall

8. Procedure

This procedure provides the process for managing Customer, feedback and customer complaints. 

8.1 Essential Principles

The company establishes the customer requirements related to product refer SALES.

8.2 Customer Focus (5.2)

Top management ensure that customer requirements and applicable regulatory requirements are determined and met refer Quality Manual

8.3 Customer Feedback (8.2.1)

As one of the measurements of the effectiveness of the quality management system, the organization needs to gather and monitor information relating to whether the organization has met customer requirements. 

This feedback process includes provisions to gather data from production as well as post-production activities. The information gathered in the feedback process serves as potential input into risk management for monitoring and maintaining the product requirements as well as the product realization or improvement processes. 

If applicable regulatory requirements require the organization to gain specific experience from post production activities, the review of this experience forms part of the feedback process.

Feedback is therefore reviewed by management as input in the management review and as a guide the following data maybe analyzed:

    a)    Customer Complaint / Non Conformances (non conforming Product)

    b)    Credit Note / Returns; if any are processed - data can be collated from Granite warehousing management system

    c)    Exhibition / Seminars; if attended, and

    d)    Information from Suppliers / Principles

8.4 Customer Complaints (8.2.2)

Complaints  can be logged on a COMPLAINT FORM where the requirement for  a INCIDENT FORM is decided and the SOP Non conformance corrective action  is followed to have timely complaint handling and in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. RECORDS are located in the REGISTER 

NOTE: that not all complaints result in NON CONFORMING Product or CORRECTIVE ACTION

These procedures include responsibilities for:

a)  receiving and recording information; 

b)  evaluating information to determine if the feedback constitutes a complaint; 

c)  investigating complaints; 

d)  determining the need to report the information to the appropriate regulatory authorities; 

e)  handling of complaint-related product; 

f)  determining the need to initiate corrections or corrective actions.

If any complaint is not investigated, justification is to be documented.  

Any correction or corrective action resulting from the complaint handling process is documented through SOP Non conformance corrective action

If an investigation determines activities outside the organization contributed to the complaint, relevant information is to be exchanged between the organization and the external party involved.

8.5 New Products

In the event of a new product then a Motivation is completed by the sales representative.

In the event of non-conformances then the procedure Non-Conformance, Deviations and Concessions & Corrective Action SOP  is followed

9. Risk Based Approach

In the event of non compliance follow SOP  NON CONFORMANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION

Risk Based Approach Report

[Risk Assessment to is found in SOP PREVENTIVE ACTION RISK ASSESSMENT   refer Document]

9.1 Trend Analysis and Continual Improvement

An analytical review is reported monthly to management and this forms part of the input through Data Analysis to management review 

The Trend should pick up any potential and recurring incidents, where corrective action must be reported at the management review to facilitate continual improvement.

 10. Revision History

Revision 17, 15.03.2022 - AA, SCR- Inclusion of Medicines / Pharmacy

Revision 16, 30.12.2021 - AA- Inclusion of 8.3 SURVEY email for manual FORM input

Revision 15, 15.12.2021 - AA - Inclusion of SURVEY point 8.3  and a COMPLAINTS 8.4 forms and registers

Revision 14, 21.09.2021 - AA - Review and corrections to point 8.3 Customer Feedback

Revision 13, 13.05.2021 - AA - addition of Customer Survey Folder link and updating Responsibilities

Revision 12, 03.05.2021 - AA Approved

Revision 11, 28.04.2021 - TNA - Updating the SOP to the new format.   Approval / Scope / Responsibilities / Risk Based Approach / Records and Revision History. Amending links 

Revision 10, Digitally signed on 24.06.2020 by AA

Revision 1-9, unknown due to googlesite change to new googlesite

11. Records 

Name Retained by/ in Retention period Hard copies Destroyed by

Complaints refer NCCA SOP


Customer Feedback input to management review

Customer Survey REGISTER