
Advanced Mini-Courses

Fall 2024

Bernhard Keller (Université Paris Cité), October 21-25, 2024

Spring 2024

Andrea d’Agnolo (Università degli studi di Padova), The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, May 6-9, 2024

Time and place: All lectures will take place in 509 Lake Hall. They will also be streamed over Zoom.

Zoom link:

Abstract: This course is an introduction to the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence.

The original statement appears as the 21st problem of the famous list that Hilbert established in 1900. It asks to show that there always exists a Fuchsian (a.k.a. regular) differential operator on the complex line, with given singularities and monodromy.

In 1970, Deligne reformulated it on complex manifolds of arbitrary dimension. He established a correspondence between, on the one hand, regular flat meromorphic connections with prescribed pole locus and, on the other hand, local systems on the complement of that locus.

In 1984, Kashiwara vastly generalized Deligne's result by considering arbitrary systems of linear PDEs instead of flat meromorphic connections. More precisely, he provided a correspondence between regular holonomic D-modules and perverse sheaves (roughly, complexes of sheaves whose cohomologies are local systems along the components of a stratification). He also constructed an inverse correspondence, nowadays naturally expressed in the languange of subanalytic sheaves by Kashiwara and Schapira.

More recently, Kashiwara and I managed to eliminate the regularity condition. To do so, we had to enhance the target category of perverse sheaves in order to account for the appearance of Stokes phenomena. Our enhancement made use of two ingredients. Subanalytic sheaves, on the one hand, to treat holomorphic functions with tempered growth. Adding an extra real variable, on the other hand, as Tamarkin originally did in the context of symplectic geometry. In our context, it provides a framework for tracing the different growths of solutions at singular points. A key ingredient of our proof is the description of the structure of flat connections obtained by Mochizuki and Kedlaya, independently.

The lectures are aimed at graduate students, particularly those interested in analysis, algebraic geometry, topology, and representation theory, and the presentation will be interspersed with concrete illustrative examples.


Tentative plan:

Suggested reading on preliminary material: A very good presentation of sheaves and their derived category may be found in the first three chapters of [1]. (Constructible and perverse sheaves are also treated in later chapters, leaning on the powerful microlocal point of view invented by the authors. A beautiful treatment demanding a rather steep learning curve.) A lively introduction to perverse sheaves is given in [7].

An excellent reference for D-modules is [2]. The papers [5, 6] provide a more focused and elementary introduction.

A self-contained presentation of subanalytic sheaves is given in [4]. (Subanalytic sheaves were introduced in [3] as a particular case of ind-sheaves. This requires a rather steep learning curve.)

Spring 2023

David Hernandez (Université Paris Cité), Cluster algebras and quantum affine algebras

Time and place:  All lectures will take place in 509 Lake Hall

Abstract: Quantum affine algebras are important examples of Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum groups. They can be defined as quantizations of affine Kac-Moody algebras or as affinizations of finite type quantum groups (Drinfeld Theorem). The representation theory of quantum affine algebras is very rich. It has been studied intensively during the past thirty years from different point of views, in particular in connections with various fields in mathematics and in physics, such as geometry (geometric representation theory, geometric Langlands program), combinatorics (crystals, positivity problems), theoretical physics (Bethe Ansatz, integrable systems)...In particular, the category of finite-dimensional representations of a quantum affine algebra is one of the most studied object in quantum groups theory. Relatively recently, it was discovered that these representations can be studied from the point of view of cluster algebras (remarkable commutative algebras with distinguished set of generators obtained from inductive processes). The aim of these lectures will be to explain this connection, and some of the developments in this direction.


Spring 2020

Mario Salvetti (Università di Pisa) and Giovanni Paolini (Caltech), The K(π,1) conjecture for affine Artin groups

David Hernandez (Université Paris-Diderot), Title TBA.

Fall 2019

Gennadi Kasparov (Vanderbilt), K-theory of group C*-algebras and applications.

Lecture 1: Tuesday, October 22, 1:15 - 2:35.

Lecture 2: Wednesday, October 23, 1:15-2:35.

Lecture 3: Thursday, October 24, 1:15-2:35.

The rapid development of the K-theory of group C*-algebras started about 40 years ago. To a large extent this was due to deep relations of this theory with the topology and geometry of smooth manifolds, with the representation theory of Lie groups, and with the index theory of elliptic operators.  

In this lecture series I will give a general review of the Novikov conjecture on higher signatures from the initial statement of 1969 to most recent results. Another topic will be the Baum-Connes conjecture which is deeply related with the representation theory of Lie groups and also with the representation theory of discrete groups. Applications to discrete series representations of semi-simple groups and to the Kadison-Kaplansky conjecture will be discussed. 

In the process I will explain some basic facts about KK-theory which played a key role in most results on these two conjectures obtained so far. And since technical tools also include index theory of elliptic operators, I will touch this area as well. 

The lectures will be accessible to graduate students. (Some knowledge of Hilbert space theory will be required.)

Fall 2018

Lecture 1: Monday, November 5, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Lecture 2: Wednesday, November 7, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.

Lecture 3: Thursday, November 8, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.

In this mini course I will work over the ground field C; I will begin by recalling the classical theorem of Mehta-Seshadri on parabolic vector bundles on curves and their relation with representations of Fuchsian groups. I will then shift attention to more general structure groups G which are semisimple and simply connected. I will introduce the concept of parahoric subgroups of G(C[[t]]) and relate them to the so-called Bruhat-Tits group schemes over Spec C[[t]]. I will then indicate how to get a self-contained construction of the Bruhat-Tits group schemes in the setting of orbifold bundles. I will then work with X, an irreducible smooth projective algebraic curve of genus g ≥ 2. I will introduce the notion of semistable and stable parahoric torsors under a certain Bruhat-Tits group scheme G on X and construct the moduli space of semistable parahoric G-torsors; we also identify the underlying topological space of this moduli space with certain spaces of homomorphisms of Fuchsian groups into a maximal compact subgroup of G. I will briefly discuss Heinloth’s uniformization results for parahoric torsors and indicate the computation of the Picard groups of the parahoric moduli stacks.

Lecture 1: Tuesday, October 23, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM.

Lecture 2: Wednesday, October 24, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.

Lecture 3: Thursday, October 25, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM.

Over the last few decades, various mathematical communities have studied the three-dimensional topological field theory called Chern-Simons theory. Recently, ideas and methods from higher algebra have been applied to it. These lectures will give an introduction to such work, using it as an excuse to discuss some sophisticated ideas, like En algebras, factorization homology, or filtered Koszul duality. (We will not assume comfort with higher algebra on the part of the audience.) The focus will be on joint work with John Francis and Kevin Costello, which directly connects the Feynman diagrammatic approach (think: Vassiliev invariants of knots) to the quantum group approach (think: HOMFLYPT polynomials). We will also relate our approach to the recent work of Ben-Zvi, Brochier, and Jordan on “integrating quantum groups” and of Calaque, Pantev, Toen, Vaquie, and Vezzosi on categorical deformation quantization.

Spring 2018

Samuel Grushevsky (Stony Brook University), Mirzakhani's recursion for Weil-Petersson volumes of moduli spaces.

Tuesday, April 17, 10:30am-12:00pm, Room: Lake Hall -- LA 509 (LA is building 34 on this map).

Wednesday, April 18, 10:30am-12:00pm, LA 509.

Thursday, April 19, 10:30am-12:00pm, Richards Hall -- RI 458 (RI is building 42 on this map).

The Weil-Petersson metric is a natural Kaehler metric on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. We will start by outlining the proof of Wolpert's formula that expresses the metric in terms of the "length and twist" parameters for cutting up a Riemann surface into a collection of spheres with three holes (i.e. in terms of Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates). We will then state Mirzakhani's recursive formula for the Weil-Petersson volumes of the moduli spaces of bordered Riemann surfaces, and explain some ingredients of the proof, and also how this recursion implies the Witten's conjecture that the intersection numbers of tautological classes on moduli satisfies the KdV integrable hierarchy.

Alex Küronya (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Geometric aspects of Newton-Okounkov bodies.

Monday, March 12, 2:30-3:30pm. Room: Lake Hall -- LA 509 (LA is building 34 on this map).

Tuesday, March 13, 10:30-11:30am, LA 509.

Wednesday, March 14, 2:30-3:30pm, LA 509.

Thursday, March 15, 10:30-11:30am, LA 509.

Recent years have witnessed a new way to introduce convex geometric methods to areas of mathematics around algebraic geometry: based on earlier works of Newton and Okounkov, Kaveh-Khovanskii and Lazarsfeld-Mustata defined convex bodies (so-called Newton-Okounkov bodies), which capture  the  vanishing behaviour of sections of line bundles.

As a first approximation, the theory of Newton-Okounkov bodies is an attempt to create a correspondence between line bundles and convex bodies known from toric geometry, except that in the absence of a large torus action, one has to make do with an infinite collection of bodies for every line bundle.

This point of view has been fairly successful in that Newton-Okounkov bodies has been shown to encode positivity of line bundles, and they also serve as targets for completely integrable systems analogous to moment maps. The theory has exciting connections with symplectic geometry, representation theory, and combinatorics for instance, nevertheless, in these lectures we will focus on its applications to projective geometry.

After reviewing fundamental notions of positivity for line bundles and introducing Newton-Okounkov bodies along with  their basic theory, we will discuss the case of surfaces, where there is a particularly satisfying theory, and the connection to (local) positivity of line bundles.  If time permits, we will look at how to define interesting functions on Newton-Okounkov bodies which yield an interesting connection to Diophantine approximation.

Fall 2017

François Charles (Université Paris-Sud), Algebraic cycles and Arakelov geometry.

Tuesday, October 10, 9-10:30am, Behrakis 204

Wednesday, October 11, 5-6:30pm, Cargill 097 

Friday, October 13, 10-11:30am, Ryder 155

Arakelov geometry gives a way to work geometrically with schemes defined over the integers. We will discuss some applications of Arakelov geometry to some problems in algebraic cycles and periods, trying to emphasize how geometric ideas can be translated in the setting of arithmetic geometry. The plan is:

Lecture 1: general setting of Arakelov geometry, relationship to geometry of numbers.

Lecture 2: application of arithmetic intersection theory to isogenies of elliptic curves.

Lecture 3: application to transcendance problems, theta-invariants.