
Mateja's address to the pupils and parents during Friday's reception


C'est mon 3eme voyage d'échange, a chaque fois je découvre et aime un peu plus votre belle région et ses habitants si sympathiques.

Merci vous tous d'accueillir nos enfants et de leur permettre cette belle expérience d'ouverture culturelle.

Nous ne vous oublierons pas.

Now in English. We are very happy to be here again. Whenever I think of France and all the people I have met here, I just cannot be anything but happy. Your school, all the teachers and the staff here always make our staying here the pest possible.

Thank you Mr Isaac and Mrs Hemani for hosting us, the municipality and the consul, Mrs Dumas Rodica for all the support. Special thanks go to all the teachers who prepared workshops or were our guides on the trips. We have prepared small presents for you as a token of our gratitude.

And the last but not least – Mr Bernard Gessen; thank you for all the effort and energy you put into the exchange. It's always a pleasure to be involved in it. And the most important part of the exchange – the parents and pupils, of course. You are kind enough to host a child from another country that you know only by e-mails and letters. You become their »family« for a week, creating one of the iportant experiences in their lives. The fact is that many of them leave their own families and go somewhere on their own for the first time in their lives. Thank you so much for accepting them with such warmth and hospitality. We promise to return the kindness in April when your children come to visit Grosuplje.


C'est mon 3eme voyage d'échange, a chaque fois je découvre et aime un peu plus votre belle région et ses habitants si sympathiques.

Merci vous tous d'accueillir nos enfants et de leur permettre cette belle expérience d'ouverture culturelle.

Nous ne vous oublierons pas.

Et maintenant en anglais! Nous sommes très heureux d'être ici à nouveau. Chaque fois que je pense à la France et à tous les gens que j'ai rencontré ici, je ne peux que me sentir heureuse. Votre école, tous les professeurs et le personnel font toujours en sorte que notre séjour soit le meilleur possible.

Merci à M.Isaac et Mme Hemani de nous avoir reçu, et merci à la municipalité et à Mme Dumas Rodica pour toute l'aide qu'ils apportent. Nous remercions particulièrement les professeurs qui ont préparé des ateliers et qui nous ont guidé cette semaine. Nous avons un petit cadeau pour vous en signe de reconnaissance.

Le dernier mais pas le moindre, M.Gessen: merci pour tous les efforts et l'énergie que vous consacrez à l'échange. C'est toujours un plaisir d'en faire partie. Et la partie la plus importante de l'échange: les parents et les élèves bien sûr. Vous avez la gentillesse de recevoir un enfant d'un autre pays que vous ne connaissez que par lettre ou par mail. Vous devenez leur famille pour une semaine pour ce qui sera une des plus importantes expériences de leur vie. Pour la plupart, ils quittent leur famille et voyagent seul pour la première fois de leur vie. Merci beaucoup de les avoir accueilli avec tant de chaleur et d'hospitalité. Nous promettons la même gentillesse en retour en Avril quand vos enfants nous rendrons visite à Grosuplje.

Opinion of the pupils on their week in France

NEJA: The exchange is such fun, because we've been to many places and we have made some great connections to the French. The only bad thing was that we were really tired after the trips.

KLARA: I enjoy the Exchange. I like the trips. The bad thing is that we miss things in school and we will have to do a lot of writing in the next week to keep up with the others.

TJAŠA P.: I really love it, because everybody is trying their best to make our stay here comfortable and nice. My French family and everybody else is really great. I want ot come here again next year.

TJAŠA K.: It was great. But I was a bit tired. The rides to the sights were rather long. But otherwise it was really great.

NIKA V.: it was interesting, because I could meet not only the members of my French family, but also their friends and neighbours and I could feel their connections. It was a pleasant experience.

I would change the first day – I would make a few hours »reception« so we could get to know in life first and then we would go to the families. The way we did it was a bit »shocking«.

MELISA: I liked the trips and the great scenery, because I could make some great pictures. What bothered me was that we were like famous people – everybody wanted our numbers and a picutre with us. But I suppose we will do the same ☺

HANA: My French host was really trying to make my stay here splendid. Ande ven when there was a problem with finding the right words, she used the hands and translating devices. I liked the fact that they were talkative. Everything was great – especially the food. I have no bad or negative things to mention. And I would make no changes to the Exchange.

SARA: The trip to Lyon was the best. The only bad thing was that the parents of my pen-friend didn't speak English much, so I couldn't talk to them. But they were very nice.

TYRA: I liked everything, my French penfriend was very talkative, the programme was outstanding. I wouldn't change a thing. The best thing was going to Lyon. I will join the exchange next year, too.

NIKOLAJ: I was amazed by the basilica in Lyon. I really liked the fact that we went to the top of the roof and the church tower. Next year I would like to go to the stadium in Lyon.

TIMON: I liked everything.

MIHA: I liked Lyon very much. The bad thing was driving to school by bus because the ride was rather long. I would go to Vulcania again, the same as last year.

KAJA: I liked the free time in Lyon. I would like some more free time there. I will go to the Exchange once again.

LANA: I liked everything. I wouldn't change a thing. I will go to France next year, too.

LARA: I liked the free time in Lyon. And next year I would like to see the amphitheater. It's a shame it was impossible to see it this year due to the renovation.

LARA M.: I liked the free time in Lyon. I'm afraid of heights, but I managed to climb up the tower and I'm proud of myself.

LUN, NEJC L.: I liked everything.

ANJA, KARMEN, MAJ : I would change only one thing – more time with the families and more free time.

NEJA, ZALA: Everything was great, I would make more tours, more sightseeing.

HANA: I liked trying new food – snails, for example. I would do more sightseeing.

KATJA: I would prefer going to a modern museum and I would skip the workshops to have more time to mingle with the French.

ROSA: Everything was great, maybe we could have a sports activity, maybe adrenalin park.

JAKOB: It was better than I expected. WE could prolong the stay.

VID: We should be here for a longer time, for example, we could go on Sunday morning and leave France on Sunday morning. I liked the trips. I would change the fact that we can't be with the penfriends for a longer time.

JAKOB H.: Everything is great. I missed some time in the museum to buy a souvenir because of the »incident« when the staff thought we wanted to steal the audioguides.

PARTIK: I liked the schedule – it was perfectly made.