la famille belier

Me and my friend Elsa want to present you the movie the belier family (in French la famille belier).This film was directed by Eric Lartigaux. This is a dramatic film that tells the story of a family composed of the father named Rodolf, of a mother called Gigi, a brother named Quentin, and the main character Paula Belier who will be interpreted by Louane who is a French singer and who will be the only hearing person of the family.

In the belier family, everyone is deaf except Paula, 16 years old. She is an indispensable interpreter for her parents, especially for the family farm. One day, pushed by her music teacher who discovered a gift for singing, she decides to prepare for the Radio France competition. A life choice that would mean for her the distance from her family .

I recommend it because it is really full of suspense and in the end, all this finished well. I like this movie because the story is very interesting, there is a lot of emotions, and many families have the same problems .

By Sarah B. and Elsa B.

Watch the official trailer