EXchange 2021-2022


After the trip, the students are asked to write a travel diary in English. Below are 3 assignments that are really amazing. Enjoy the reading

Carnet de voyage-Amina.pdf

Mon Carnet de voyage

by Amina C.

Carnet de voyage-Laly.pdf

slovenia: my travel blog

by Laly S.

Carnet de voyage-Lilah.pdf

carnet de voyage

by Lilah O.

Presentation of the groups

This year will be, hopefully, back to normal. The theme of the year is biodiversity and our two lovely groups will work on it before, during and after the trips. All the achievements will be posted on this page. We hope you will enjoy it.

A bunch of motivated French pupils at the start of a new school year!

A group of enthusiastic Slovene students for a new and exciting exchange!

A first set of letters entitled "Chinese Portrait

A second set of letters: Season Greetings cards

BIODIVERSITY is the theme of the year. We first presented the national parks in France and in Slovenia in November during two video conferences.

After, we made an inventory of the species found in France and Slovenia, with suggestions on how to protect them. All this was presented when we met in March in Grosuplje

If you want to see all the work done by the students, please follow this link.

Here is a sample below.

Parc National des Ecrins

Parc National des Ecrins
By Shainna, Fantine and Yacine

Parc Amazonien de Guyane

Guiana National Park

By Pablo and Reda

Parc National de la Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe National Park

By Shyrel, Charline, Ilyes and Selma

Parc National de la Réunion

Reunion National Park

By Louise, Mathilde, Aya and Jeanne

Krajinski park Kolpa - Tina - Lara - Sara

Kolpa Landscape Park

By Lara, Sara and Tina


Krajinski ark Radensko Polje

By Jon, Žan, and Peter


Logarska Dolina

By Liza and Medeja

NATIONAL PARK LAHINJA - Julija - Julija - Ana

National Park Lahinja

By Julija, Julija and Ana



by ...

European Pond Turtle

European Pond Turtle


Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle

By Wassim, Alan,...

Enjoying the presentations in video conferences

Presenting the Biodiversity Project in Grosuplje

Christmas playlist

Check out the Christmas playlist of the songs we currently like! We hope you will enjoy the music and have fun.

Bee hotel

The French group designed a bee hotel as a present for the march reception in Grosuplje. Below is a selection of the different project and the result!

grosuplje reception march 2022

Thank you so much for what will be "the best week in my life" for many of us!


beehive project