
Log on:

1. From terminal

bash$ ssh aerosun

2. Using full path

bash$ ssh

Run Parallel jobs:

1. check if mpd is running in the background

bash$ mpd &

2. Sample Makefile is attached.

Use full path while running on mars/ice (Use only bash$mpif90 ... on Aerosun)

bash$ /usr/local/mpich2/bin/mpif90 -r8 -O -c file.f90

bash$ /usr/local/mpich2/bin/mpif90 -r8 -o 2DBGK file.o

3. Submit job interactively: (Caution: Job gets canceled if you close terminal or log off)

Example: submit executable called '2DBGK' on 4 processors

bash$ mpirun -n 4 2DBGK

4. Submit job to run in background. (This option is very helpful when you want to close connection with server but do not want jobs to get canceled)

bash$ nohup mpirun -n 4 2DBGK </dev/null> out.txt &

The output that normally comes to the screen is now in out.txt.

To check output midway(last 10 lines):

bash$ tail -10 out.txt