

The world is a painful place. It is filled with “monsters” known as humans. They pollute, murder, and take from the innocent beings of they’re planet. On top of all of that, they mercilessly kill each other. Humans are a corrupt race that should have been taken out long ago…

|December 2023|

“HE’S ON A!”






“Nice going dip shit.” 

“Your actually so fucking useless Meteor.”

“Shut the fuck up, you died first. Y’know what… fuck you.”

I Disconnected.

“Woooow he left.”

“He’s so shit bro.”

“I’m fucking Bronze now thanks to him.”

Player five was silent.

“He should just fucking die already… I’m getting off.”

Player five disconnected.

“Fuck it, goodnight.”

Player four disconnected.

Player three disconnected.

“Fuck man.”

Player one disconnected.



“Why are they such fucking pricks.”

“I get set as a healer and they expect me to get tons of kills along with winning a 1v4. It’s just a fucking game…”

I looked toward the clock. The hands slowly ticked forward.

“I have school tomorrow...”


I said it in the most sarcastic way I could while holding my fist in the air.


My goal in life was once to entertain people, I wanted to make others smile and laugh. It made me happy seeing other people’s joy at something I created.

Regardless of what the state of the world was, I loved anime, manga, and other media of that category. It was imaginative compared to my somewhat dull life.

I didn’t keep my innocence for long though. My family died when I was young. 

From around that point onward I started deep diving into humanity’s roots. I got bullied pretty harshly for it. I was robbed, vandalized, beaten up, cursed out, and a bunch of other things. Some being more inhumane than the others. I don’t think I had a single person I could call a ‘friend’, let alone an acquaintance. So I started thinking differently as I learned of the horrific things humanity has done during the time it has existed.

When someone sees an ant… what do they do?

Almost 99% of people would probably step on it. Without a single care. They are filled with disgust at the poor creature that was simply trying to live.

So reverse the roles.

Something… is trying to step on the humans. What do they say?

They call it out as “unfair” and “not right”... now they suddenly want to be spared? 

The human race views itself as ‘the center’ of everything. Just because they were gifted a little more than another creature. Now let’s review what this ‘oh so great species’ decided to do with its gifted intelligence… shall we~?

First, they destroyed 95% of the world’s ecosystem. Deforestation, extinction, pretty much anything they didn’t see as ‘valuable’.

Secondly, they created superweapons and tested them on innocent creatures. Guns, nuclear bombs, railguns, the city destroyer; Anivi’s Solar Cannon, etcetera.

The list keeps going on, there's way too many weapons to count let alone their atrocities. I’ll name a few of their biggest ones though. The zombie elimination project, they kidnapped millions of people and released a zombie virus on them to cut down the world’s population. The Arcticide Reactor, the infamous quote unquote accident that caused a super reactor meltdown. It just so happened to trigger over two hundred nuclear warheads, destroying half of a continent and killing all the people living there. Then we have Anivi’s Solar Cannon, the most powerful weapon humanity has ever created. It’s a type of satellite that when activated shoots a powerful energy beam decimating anything that gets in its path. Entire cities were engulfed by it.

All of these were instances of human corruption, I’m glad I learned about them. Now all I need to do is continue learning more on hacking and I’ll be able to take out most of the corruption in this world. Though I think it would be way better if there was no humanity in the first place…




I’m on winter break now.

Which is cool I guess…

I don’t really hang out with anyone. My personality is more on the introverted side… though that doesn’t really matter when the people you're surrounded with are complete pricks. People will bully even when they're supposed to be young and ‘innocent’ then the people that are supposed to be ‘responsible’ adults don’t bother stepping in. Sometimes they even laugh along. These are the people that are at the bottom… yet somehow the top is worse.

I got out of bed and splashed my face with some water. It dripped down slowly as I gazed at myself in the mirror. I was a decent looking guy… not really the best. I had a black hoodie that was loosely fitted and blue jeans. I had a pair of black sneakers and I had slightly purple bags under my darkened blue eyes. They gave off a vibe of little care, almost as if they were dead. I pushed my brown hair to the side as I looked down. I picked up my sunglasses and put them on, they fell down my nose a little, having my eyes peek over slightly.

“Maybe I’ll go for a walk…”

Annnd by that. I meant I was going to the beach. I despised the beach… but walking on it was still kind of fun… and a little calming. I mean yeah it was winter, but honestly who cares.

As I mentioned earlier, my family died. More specifically they were murdered. That so-called “accident” I mentioned. The Arcticide Reactor was what took their lives. I was on the other side of the country at the time by complete coincidence, I was visiting a few relatives. Yeah I might’ve been eleven or so, but my parents thought it would be good for me to meet them. I was the only one that went since my siblings were too young to go.

“Fuck man…”

I hate thinking about what happened back then. I watched it all happen on tv… my own home being completely obliterated by modern technology. After that, my relatives took my family's little remaining fortune and threw me out onto the streets. I then dug deeper, of course I needed a way into the government’s files so I anonymously hired a group of hackers. Don’t ask me how, it was complicated and I got the money from those shit relatives. Not for free of course, I stole it. Which is how I found out that this so-called “accident” wasn’t an accident at all. The government officials of my country and neighboring ones set it up.

My head started throbbing a little. I need to stop thinking about scenarios that have already played out. It’s not like I can change them.

I need to think about what's going to happen instead of what happened. I want to take them out the way they took my family's lives… but how? I could learn hacking on my own and try getting nuclear launch codes. It would take a long time, yeah… 

No. It would be impossible. Security has greatly advanced in the last few years, along with me trying to make sure I can actually get into the system? Without being killed off?

I mean, I can still try though… right?

I heard yelling coming from around me as I walked which interrupted my thoughts… I guess other people came here during the winter as well? Not for swimming or anything but they all were just watching the ocean.

“Is that a dolphin?!”

Some girl pointed into the ocean. I turned toward it and looked out… I didn’t see anything though. The water was murky and what were the chances of seeing a dolphin? It was winter and they have practically gone extinct because of us. I turned toward her. Maybe she was just imagining it-


I swiftly turned back-



|7 PM|

BREAKING NEWS: “A student by the name of Zion Regulus, age 16 was eaten by an Orca whale earlier this afternoon. This is the first time we have spotted one in the last five years since the Arcticide Reactor accident. There are no signs of the whale that ate him and the search for it has been ongoing for hours with no signs of progress. The most likely case is that he’s dead.”