Chapter 9

Chapter 9: I Make Too Many Mistakes Don’t I?

Esther and I moved out to our magic testing field just outside of Noyade.

“So you got anything specific you want?”

“Hmm… how about flight?”

“Flight huh?”


The magic gears formed in front of me. Let’s see… I’ll start by adding the wind attribute, then I’ll throw in control magic… Ooh and how about a bit of speed magic… then the light attribute… What else? I’ve kind of only used preset gears so far… so how about some custom ones? 

After some more time I was finally happy with the spell.

I collapsed the gears together into a condensed cluster. I punched through the cyan gears, shattering them, then the mana started reforming into circles around my right arm. A sigil formed on my palm as it glowed a slightly different color from the rest. A nearly vibrant white.


My body started floating upward, around five or so feet I was simply hovering there.

“Looks like it worked~”

Now for the real test. I used part of the wind attribute of the spell to fly upward at an insane speed… I was floating above the clouds, the sun shining down onto me.

“Ahh, what a sight!”

I put my hand up to block the sunlight.

After returning to the ground I had to find a method to teach Esther the spell.

I tried showing the magic circle, but that seemed to be too little? Then I tried describing what it felt like, but I guess that was too hard to simply imagine? I mean it’s flying so I guess that would be hard to simply think of…

“Haaaaaaaa… why does this have to be so hard? I’m just going to make another spell to be able to teach magic easier.”

“Y-you can do that? Well… yeah I guess you can, considering everything you have done.”


I reopened the magical gears and started the creation of a spell to teach other spells. Well to be more specific it’s kind of like a copy paste type of spell. I’m copying what I already have and transferring it to another person. I’m also adding a feature so I can choose a full transfer or copy beforehand, it could be useful cause I highly doubt this is the only time I’ll use this spell.

Another thing though is apparently how I visualize things is vastly different to how people of this world visualize things… that might be because of movies… anime… manga… and all the other things Earth had that this world doesn’t.

“Alright, ready?”



The magic circles expanded on my hand and my mana started flooding out toward Esther. It began to wrap around her body and slowly it started to seep in.

“I-it’s warm…”

She was looking at the mana coiling around her.

After a minute or so the remaining mana built up this sigil on her forehead that resembled the [Flight] spell. Then it disappeared completely. Which I think means it finished transferring?

“Well? Can you use it now?”

“Uh… I think?”

“Just try thinking about lifting yourself off of the ground.”

She looked down at the ground.

“Okay… here we go…”

I watched as her feet began to rise off the ground.

“W-woah… it’s kinda hard to do…”

“Yeah, just a bit haha.”

“How much mana does it take to use?”

“How much? Uhh… I haven’t checked yet.”


Her flight gave out and she started falling backward.”

I used [Flight] and caught her in a bridal carry.

“You alright?”

“Uh… y-yeah…”

She rested her head on my shoulder.

“Thank you…”

She ended up passing out. I guess that she got mana exhaust, so I need to find a way to raise both of our mana stats.



Name: Cynical

Species: Regulus Slime

Level: 63

Rank: A

EXP: 90,421/324,568



‘World Ender’

‘Monster in Human Clothing’


‘Magician’s Crusade’

‘Darkest Monster’


[Stat Points]

Strength: 269

Speed: 262

Perception: 268

Health: 250,000

Mana: 231

Intelligence: 134

Wisdom: 102

Luck: 65

Remaining Points: 193




-Quick Learner, MAXED;

-Sentient Mind, MAXED;

-Chantless, MAXED;

-Language Master, Lvl 17;


-Absorption, Lvl 23;

-Form Shift, Lvl 26;

-Spell Creation, Lvl 15;

-Storage, Lvl 1;

-Sword Bolt, Lvl 6;

-Fireball, Lvl 14;

-Stealth, Lvl 8;

-Mana Control, Lvl 6;

-Heaven’s Barrier, Lvl 0;

-Water Shot, Lvl 1;

-Shadow World, Lvl 1;

-Mind’s Eye, Lvl 7;

-Body Split, Lvl 9;

-Expansion, Lvl 9;

-Vocalize, Lvl 1;

-Chainsaw, Lvl 6;

-Teleport, Lvl 2;

-Flight, Lvl 1;

-Transfer, Lvl 1;

-Variant Break: (1/1);


“Holy shit! Level sixty three?! The Ancient Dragon did that much???”

I might have to find more of them… I licked my lips hungrily, to me xp is xp and I’d be more than happy to kill another Ancient Dragon.

“How much mana do I have remaining?”

||~Mana 16/231~||

“Eh… I used [Teleport] not that long ago… then I used [Flight] and [Transfer]… so I have no idea how much mana [Flight] and [Transfer] take.”

Fuck this man.

“I can find out later, I’ll just take Esther home for now.”

I brought Esther home and put her in her bed. The odd thing was that the bear I made her was gone… and was replaced with a body identical to mine…

“How did she even do that…?”

I put my hands together.

“Please keep this part of me safe.”

I walked outside and began going down the street.

Hmm… I haven’t stolen any of Percide’s money yet…

I really want to steal his money.

“Let’s go back quickly~”

I’ve gotten pretty good at being sneaky, so I just walked along the roof of the manor until I reached my room. I slipped in through the window, my body shape shifted into a somewhat slime-like entity.


I then immediately went into Percide’s form… I kind of hate doing it though. It’s way more extra weight than I need along with me having to act more noble-like. Overall it just feels really fucking stuffy, almost like I’m being suffocated.

Oh- I wonder if they ever question where I go? I don’t hang out here too often except for sleeping… I’ll walk around the manor for now. I only know where… three rooms are…

“What’s in this door?”

I opened it.

It was a storage room.

“Then how about this one!”

I opened the door.

It was a bathroom.

“Or this one!”

I opened the third door.

A stage? Darker lighting? A pole…

I closed the door, still holding the handle.

He has personal… strippers?!

I started walking to the next door.

“I’m demolishing that room.”

I continued going door to door, most of the rooms were bathrooms, bedrooms, or storage rooms.

“How about downstairs?”

I walked down to the first floor. I peaked out for a second… I saw more stairs leading down, so I decided to follow them which took me to the manor’s basement.


I walked through the long hallway, I saw a large metal door at the end with two guards.

One of the guards spotted me.

“Oh, Lord Percide!”

“Have you come to the treasury in need of something specific?”

“Uh… no I just thought I’d look around a bit. Since I lost my memory I thought I might as well go see what I own haha…”

“Got it, hope you find something useful!”

They opened the large heavy metal doors for me…

I went blind for a second.

The pure glow from the amount of gold Percide had was insane. I stepped into the vault and the guards closed the door behind me.

“Well shall I help myself then~”

How about I finally use [Storage]?


A giant gray glowing wall around half the size of me appeared.

I looked at it.

There were a few buttons in the top right…

“Hmm… auto sort… auto store… remove all…”

“That’s interesting.”

“Alright, I’ll use ‘auto store’ then!”

I pressed the button.

All the gold began to rattle a little. I then watched as the small pieces began to float, and fly into the window. They created this vortex type of thing until all of Percide’s valuables were within my skill.


||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

||SKILL: [STORAGE] has leveled up!||

The [Storage] skill wrapped up and shrunk out of existence.

“Holy shit…”

The room was completely empty… not a single spec of gold in sight.

“Also my [Storage] skill leveled up… one, two, three… eleven times?!”

“Well I guess I’m all set now.”

I knocked on the metal door. The guards opened it smiling.

“Did you find something good?”

“Ah… yeah I think so. Thank you.”

“Anytime Lord Percide! Have a good day!”

I’m so happy I used some of my slime to make fake copies of all of his coins. There was a 100% chance they would have noticed otherwise…

I climbed up to the first floor and looked around.

“Where is everyone else?”

I haven’t seen anyone except the two guards since I got back to the manor. I went back up to the second floor and snuck into a storage room. It was a little dark but there was enough light to see from the window in the center.


My body began shifting, the slime retracting back into my human form. 


W-what the hell is that?! L-lord Percide? That’s not a human though.

Control your breathing. Control your breathing. Control your breathing. Control…

The maid peaked around the corner of the overshadowed bookshelf.

The slime retracted from my face revealing my dark red eyes. With the bright yellow-gold number ‘01’ carved into my left eye.

“Haaaaah… much better~ being dressed up as Percide is hella uncomfortable.”

I cracked my neck. Well the posture for it.

Since I don’t have bones.


I quickly looked towards the back corner of the room. The red slime circling in and around my eyes making them purely red once more. I bolted to the bookshelf and looked behind it. My red eyes gleaming. I had a murderous aura around me…

I saw nothing.

The maid had her hands over her mouth, her eyes watering as she quietly sat not even a foot away from me. She had barely made it around the bookshelf’s corner before I rushed in.

“I guess this room is old…”

I touched the dust on the bookshelf as I looked at an open book lying on the floor.

“I should have just gone back to my room.”

“Auuughh- Fuck it, I’m going out again.”

I opened the old window and hopped on the roof, I then lightly closed the window behind me.

A few minutes passed by. Very. Very. Slowly.


The maid was breathing extremely heavily. She was grasping her heart.

Her eyes filled with fear.

“I-I need to tell the Captain…”

She got up, her legs shaking fiercely. 

She slammed into the door and ran out of the room.

“I need to get to the training yard…!”


I was laying at the top of the manor’s roof.

“How can I increase my mana at a rapid rate?”


I mean leveling up is viable… but that doesn’t feel like enough.

Maybe a title? But how do I get titles?

How did I get [Otherworlder]… simply by reincarnating right?

I got [Darkest Monster] because I learned more about Regulus Slimes. I got [Monster in Human Clothing] from killing a human. I got [World Ender] from… wait why do I have that? Is it just saying I will end the world? And finally I got [Magician’s Crusade] from using the modified version of [Fireball]…

So the best titles to rely on for learning how to get them would be [Monster in Human Clothing] and [Magician’s Crusade], and if that’s the case then [Magician’s Crusade] is the most reliable since it's magic related and even if there were titles for each of the intelligent races. I currently live in a human town, so that wouldn’t help.

So maybe I make more magic?

Ooh! Maybe I modify existing magic with more properties? Or maybe-

Ah. I fell asleep.