Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Why do I have a Fan Club now?

I condensed the fireball even further creating this air vortex with an inward pull. The purple light flickered in my hand as I stared at Vorhees.

“I don’t appreciate the treatment you fuckers have given me so far.”

I glared at Vorhees as my eyes entered a deeper red glow.

My right hand was thrown out as I aimed it at the mech, a few sparks appeared in my hand as this highly concentrated beam of purple flames blasted out toward Vorhees.

He barely dodged to his right, he only ended up losing his left arm and the entire left side of his torso. The metal burned hot and started to turn molten, a sort of liquid-like state as his body steamed.

The orange orb that was acting as his core was surrounded in this mechanical glass. The glass fractured slightly, a bit of molten metal falling onto it.

Vorhees’s body then started… regenerating?

New metal formed, the entire left side of his body reshaped and rebuilt.

It almost seemed to be this metallic nanotech or something similar, though I think it was a little too quick for that.

I started walking toward Vorhees slowly. One foot in front of the other.

My eyes glowing as he formed a great sword again. He cut me in half vertically, but I kept walking forward, my eyes only glowing deeper. My body reconnected as I reached the other side of his blade.

I raised my fist and rammed it into his gut, my arm stretching out to reach it.

Vorhees went flying back and slammed against the rubble of a nearby skyscraper. His body was slouched over as I walked toward him. I raised my fist again as I slowly started punching him… I then built up to a barrage of punches, the metal on his body crunching and crackling under the pressure.

I formed a second set of arms right under my first and started charging two more fireballs.



I condensed both of them down to around marble size again, Vorhees was showing no signs of fighting back. I picked up slight glass cracking noises, but I mainly ignored them. I aimed my second set of arms down and obliterated his legs, melting them into molten metal before grabbing under a sheet of metal on his chest. I picked him up and threw him out into the debris behind us.

The glass layer around his core shattered as a slight bit of energy flooded out.

His body was heavily damaged, I noticed it attempting to futilely regenerate.

I stood on another mound of debris above him as I charged four more condensed fireballs. My eyes were a crimson red, brighter than they had ever been. My mind was filled with ecstasy and euphoria from getting to empty my rage out on Vorhees.

Red lightning started glitching off of me as the shadow behind me wavered slightly.


||NOTICE: 5% of Title: ‘World Ender’ has been granted to you!||

My smile twisted sadistically as I laughed lightly to myself.

I saw Vorhees sit back up… but he wasn’t acting robotic and mech-like anymore. His movements almost appeared human, and his voice and speech pattern changed to more of an up-beat relaxed type.

“Ow… that fuckin’ hurt…”

Vorhees looked up and saw me looming over him, my smile still sadistic and twisted.

“Huh- uh… wh-what are you—”

He turned to his right to see Levin and Deadeye.

“Hey! Guys it’s me! Heeeey!”

He waved over to them before his arm slipped, making him fall back to the ground. Vorhees looked down to see his legs were seared off and now molten metal.

“Ah- um… I don’t know what I did to you, but can we be homies? Maybe?”

I spread my arms further apart before activating the spells.

Vorhees’s eyes went wide as he quickly used his arms to flip himself around and launch himself up into the air. The ground beneath him being fried into nothingness, a seared crater forming.

“Hey- dawg you have to chill, I didn’t do nothin’ to you–”

I immediately jumped above him and slammed my fist into his face, his body hit the ground as he groaned.

I landed on his chest and raised my fist. My laugh was a little maniacal as I smiled with absolute pleasure.

<Cyn wait don’t——————>



I felt free and devoid of all responsibility.

I heard nothing.

Saw nothing.

A little ringing began in my ear, my vision started glitching into reality.

“Wa— we can talk— hold—”

<Cyn— up— listen to me—>

I felt my fist moving through the air before my world snapped back into place.


My eyes went wide, they shrunk down into red pupils as I stopped my fist right before slamming into the orange core.

The air rushed around the mech’s curves, my hair blowing in the artificial wind slightly.

“Holy shit dawg don’t scare me like that…”

The mech sighed as he dropped his head back.

“Can you absorb me now? Like right now? Please?”

I looked at my hand in confusion…

What happened?

Did I black out?

My vision focused behind my hand as I looked at the orange orb. The yellow-gold number ‘541’ carved onto it.

“Five hundred forty one…”

I looked up as the mech sighed.

“One? Can you?”

“Huh-... uh… yeah…”

I reabsorbed my extra set of arms before releasing my red slime-like tentacles, completely swallowing the mech whole.

I stood there kind of in a shell-shocked state.


The Lacuna’s ceiling opened wide as a giant mech fell through it.

He slammed into the ground before his body shrunk down, it transformed accommodating the mechanical parts into a small human sized body. His body was white and his eyes were orange. He had this gold color outlining him and on his back was two words… ‘The Harbinger’ was written in a slick black and red font.

“Hey Ode… I’m back… finally~”

He walked over to the couch and sat down on Six’s feet.

Six looked up from his manga and glared at him.

“What? Don’t take up the whole couch, we talked about this three years ago.”

Six continued glaring at him before pulling his feet back and returning to his manga.

“Welcome back Harbinger, how was it outside?”

“Complete shit. I only got tested on the entire trip, then by the time they FINALLY let me out I was immediately attacked by One.”

Harbinger shrugged as he looked at Ode.

“How’ve you been?”

Ode sighed and returned his vision to his screens.

“It’s rough, we had a ‘Rupture’ which made everyone scatter across the world.”

Harbinger looked at him and winced a little.

“So that’s what happened… Yeah, that’s not good.”

“Tell me about it~”


The elves stared at the screen as they watched Vorhees lose. The absolute power of the Regulus monster taking him out.


Laviel’s eyes turned pink as she blushed a little.

Hearts appeared in her eyes again as she smiled widely.

She noticed the red slime-like tentacles absorbing the mechanical corpse as she watched the footage streaming in. She quickly went behind the camera and grabbed a ruler, she slowly walked back on. She held it up and eyed it…

“Yeah it’ll work~”

Laviel then quickly ran off screen while smiling gleefully.

“Heh- Risible we need to go. Now.”

“What? Why?”

Esther turned toward him before pointing at the screen repeatedly.

“Yeah- wait, are you jealous?”

Risible started teasing her lightly as she puffed her cheeks out.

Her face was turning a little red.

“Haha wow~ lucky man… but that’s going to be a little tough Esther.”

“Huh- why?”

Risible pointed behind her as cuffs were attached to her wrists. Risible was cuffed as well, they were surrounded by military officers.

“Risible- get us-”

Esther paused as she stared at him blankly.

He was leaning back against a concrete pillar.

“Hey do you guys have any beer by chance? I could kill~ for one right now.”

“Stay quiet, you’re under arrest.”

“C’mon~ even just a drop?”

Risible turned back to see Esther scowling at him.



Deadeye and Levin ran up to me.

“Hey, Cyn you good?”

A gentle gust of wind blew by me as I stood there, my body limp, my eyes wide.

What was that…


“Uh… yeah… probably…”

Deadeye put his hand up to his ear and started talking.

“Yeah… yeah. Well he’s dazed———”

I looked down at my hands, they were shaking slightly. Right before I blacked out I was notified by the system.

It was about my ‘World Ender’ title.

What would have happened… if it was at 100%?

Would I have killed the other variants? Been killed? Hurt Esther? Even lose my mind completely?

I squeezed my fists together tightly, I then heard a light dinging noise.

||Qu— Co—ple–! Reward: Ti—: ‘Arc—e W—ut’!||

My vision was a little blurry and I couldn’t fully read the notification. I swiped it away as I heard a car closing in on our location. I didn’t bother moving though.

It drifted to a stop a bit away before I saw this silver haired elf girl get out of it. She started running over to me before she hugged me tightly, her head was nuzzling against my chest.

When she looked up toward me I saw hearts in her eyes… and they were a pink color?


Levin jumped back slightly.

“Ah… oh no… no, no, no… that’s bad…”

I looked over to him, why was it bad?

Damn it… I can’t think straight…

Why was it bad?

Shit- when will I be able to think straight again?!

I grabbed my head lightly.

The girl squeezed me tighter as she smiled.

“I’m Laviel~ you’re Cynical right?”

She sounded very energetic.

“Yeah… I think…”

“You think?”

She turned toward Deadeye, who gave her a shrug as he sighed.

Laviel then linked her arm with mine as she started dragging me back to her car.

“Huh- wait, where is she taking him…?”

She pushed me into the passenger seat, she waved toward Levin and Deadeye. Laviel quickly got in and drove away, kicking dust up in the process.

She kidnapped me right?

I think she did…

I didn’t bother putting up a fight, she didn’t seem like she had bad intentions either so maybe it’ll be fine?

“You’re really popular now Cyn~ I can call you ‘Cyn’ right?”


I was still slightly dazed as I stared out of the car’s front windshield.

After a few minutes of silence we got past the rubble and reentered the regular cityscape.

“You have a fan club now, isn’t that cool~?”

She looked at me and smiled.

“Huh-? Uh… yeah…”

We arrived at a skyscraper after a while. It looked slightly different from the other ones, it was slightly taller, and the walls were mainly made of concrete and metal instead of glass.

Laviel got out of the car and ran around to my side, she helped me onto my feet and started dragging me along again.

We entered the skyscraper and then went up this elevator. We reached somewhere near the top floor where she pulled me into this apartment-like space.

“Ta-da~, how’s my house~?”

I looked around, I don’t know what I was expecting but I saw a bunch of art on her walls. She had this recording set-up near a corner and there was a window looking out into the city. It felt like a penthouse in a way.

“Now this way, this way~!”

She kept her arm linked around mine as she dragged me into… her bedroom? I think it was at least.

Laviel laid me down on her bed and grabbed the edge of my coat.

“Let’s get you cleaned up now… shall we~”

Her eyes changed to a hot pink as she licked her lips.

She went to pull my coat, but it didn’t move. 


She tried again only to get the same result.

Laviel tilted her head in confusion as she tried pulling one of my shoes off, nothing happened as she struggled.

I then warped my body returning to my slime state.

She jumped back a little, her eyes returning to their green color. She moved forward slightly and tapped the edge of my spherical slime layer. It rippled a little like water.

She tapped it again skeptically before scooping me up, she laid down in her bed and held me close.

“What is this? You feel so soft~”

I felt like a kid’s toy.

“So is this what you actually look like? So cuuuute~”

She was nuzzling her chin against me, which kind of felt uncomfortable.

“Could you let me go?”

“No~ you’re mine now.”

I sighed heavily.
