Chapter 28

Chapter 28: What the hell is this Continent?!

The three airships were quickly approaching.

“Risible what happened?”

I looked back toward him, confused on why they were being hunted.

He groggily sat up and shook his head.

“Those aren’t fucking airships.”

Levin sat up as well looking extremely disoriented, he was swaying from side to side.

I looked back toward the airships. There were a total of three of them, but why did he say they weren’t airships?

They look like them…

I leaned in a little, when I saw the middle one which looked closer to a helicopter start shifting. I heard these loud clunking noises as its blades folded inward. The entire thing started… transforming?! The back tail of the helicopter and parts of its main body shifted into legs as a torso and arms formed. This metallic head appeared as it dropped to the ground. It made a huge crack in the ground and some windows around it shattered.

It started running toward the cafe and pulled back its fist.


Esther warped out of the cafe. I kept looking at the… mecha… before my mind clicked.

“Is that a Transfor—?!”

It slammed its fist down onto me pushing me into the ground. It raised its fist and made a gesture for cracking its knuckles. Steam shot out behind it, a few pistons making clicking noises. I was laying on the ground, my face twitching a little bit. I sat up, behind me was an indent in the ground that outlined me.

“That was extremely rude.”

I was slightly pissed off now, afterall it wasn’t even after me! It was after Risible and Levin, so why did it randomly attack me?! Fucking prick!

I stood up and started walking toward the mecha, my bandage unwrapped and my eyes glowed a bright red. I started shifting my form back to normal. My polished black trench coat, my brown hair with its red streak. My black gloves and dark blue jeans. The lime green outline on my coat’s edges…

“You asked for this.”

The red slime-like tentacles rose from my back and shot out toward the mech. It wrapped around it as it was disassembled and consumed. I saw inside these two elven pilots that were around 90% cyborg. 

Don’t worry. I ate them too.

The other two airships started to transform as well, they used the skyscrapers next to them as a ledge to hang on to.

Levin ran out of the cafe with electricity trailing him, he had lightning attached to his arm as he threw it forward. A platinum bolt shot out which bent and pierced the joint of the right mecha’s arm. Its arm disconnected with fried circuits and it started falling, it tried grabbing the ledge again with its other arm but it missed.

The mecha fell and slammed into the cold paved ground.

Levin walked over to it and placed his hand against its head.


This intense amount of lightning started pulsing through the mecha as screams could be heard from inside of it. The mech started releasing mountains of smoke as Levin’s hand expanded and consumed the entire thing.

I whistled at his accomplishment in surprise.

I looked up and saw the other mecha. It raised its left hand and aimed toward us, its hand started making gear shifting noises as it turned into this cannon-like thing. The cannon started charging when it suddenly imploded from behind, the entire mech exploding and rained fire and metal down onto the streets.

Esther then teleported next to me, her hand was slightly sizzling as she watched the fire fall. There was a wisp of purple among the red and orange flames. 

So she took that one out huh? 

“Let’s go. Quickly.”

I put a hand on Esther and Levin…



“Get your ass out of the cafe, there’s no alcohol over there.”

“Hey- I mean there could be! You never know~”

He opened this cabinet behind the counter.

I extended a tentacle which grabbed him by the back of his dress shirt and pulled him over to us.


I warped us around eight blocks to our west, which should have gotten us far enough away from the rubble that we could escape relatively easily…

At least that’s what I assumed.

“Uh- Cyn… l-look…”

Levin pointed up, toward this holographic board on a building. On it were all four of our faces along with the words ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive’. 

“Oh- just great!”

The reward for each of us was sixty gold coins, and of course mine had an added bonus of thirteen platinum coins because of Dynanimus.

“Shit… it’s gonna be hard to get into a bar now…”

“That’s your biggest concern?”

“Yeah. It’s a pretty big problem.”

I sighed and started walking.

“Let’s just keep going, we want to get as close to the World tree as possible.”

I heard a few more airships flying in, they went flying over the towering skyscrapers.

“Fuck- Risible you take Esther and wait it out somewhere, Levin and I will lure them away!”

I picked Levin up over my shoulder and started running down the street.

“Wait- wha–?! No- wait, Risible help!”

He was whining quite a bit while reaching out toward Risible.

“I suggest you shut your mouth.”

“What? Why-”

I dropped down a little bit before doing this giant leap. The concrete cracked under my feet as we went flying upward, I continued jumping off of the skyscrapers walls. Glass shattered and the metal on the buildings bent inward. The airships noticed us and started flying in unison toward our location.

I noticed this train a little further ahead as I jumped on top of one of the skyscrapers, it had just started moving. Suddenly it picked up a massive amount of speed and shot forward.

“That’s… a Maglev Train…!”

Why does it look so fast though??? That’s… at least double the speed of the ones from my world.

I put Levin down, he was shivering a little bit with tears streaming down his face.



He sniffled as he spoke.

“Listen, when we jump off of this building in five seconds I’m going to need you to turn back into your slime form and merge with me. Got it?”

“Wait- what do you mean jump off-”

I pushed Levin off the building, his foot remained on the ledge for a second before he started falling backward. 


I dove right after him as he screamed.

He started changing into his slime form, I followed suit after a few seconds so I could catch up to him.

C’mon… please work-

Levin and I’s body’s started spinning in circles as red, white and light-blue electricity started to form. Our bodies connected together as it accommodated our three colors.

“Levin now!”

Our mixed slime of red, white and light-blue expanded and warped into our human form. We slammed hard into the pavement, dust and rubble exploding into the air. We slowly stood up and I brushed our shoulder off before looking at my hand.

“Not bad~”

My form this time, just like when I was merged with Risible was different from normal. This time I had one red eye and one split white and light-blue eye. My right eye was red and I had the yellow-gold ‘01’ in it. My left eye was the split white and light-blue eye that had the yellow-gold ‘18’ in it. My hair color was brown still and the streak in my hair was shaped like a lightning bolt. It had red, white and light-blue all along it. I had goggles dangling around my neck and I had this black trench coat that was slightly shorter than my normal one, the outlining color was a light-blue. My sleeves were rolled up to about half of my forearm. I had these black pants on and this dark-blueish vest over my coat. The last thing I noticed was that my gloves were now white and fingerless.

“Not bad at all~”

“N-now what…?”

“We catch up to that train~!”

Lightning started charging red, white and light-blue across my body. When I went to run, my speed instantly increased… I couldn’t even process what had happened- 

I slammed into the skyscraper at the end of the street, the concrete shattering around it. I lost my footing and fell back onto the pavement. Slight flames were ignited on the tips of my coat.

“O-ow… Levin… could you take over…?”

“Y-yeah… of course.”

Levin took full control of our body, he flipped us back up and started running after the train. He went bolting down the streets with extreme precision.

In that right, I had to give him my full respect. The fact that he could process everything that was happening and make accurate movements was insane. Huh- why can I process everything now? That means Levin does something else besides just running…


I spotted our train.

“It’s to our left, about seventeen blocks.”

Levin immediately turned and raced in that direction, he accurately dodged all the people and vehicles on the ground. He ran up onto the side of one of the skyscrapers, he was even able to run and jump across them with ease.

Yeah he gets my respect.

We spotted the train again and jumped back onto the ground. He accelerated past it and got us perfectly on top of it.

“You’re amazing Levin!”

“N-no… anyone could do this haha…”



You’re lying.