Digital Norms

  1. All students use a school laptop.

  2. All students keep their camera focused on their face.

  3. All students wear headphones during all synchronous classes.

    1. If students do not, the teacher will let family know that this is a best practice.

4. Be mindful of attire and background.

    1. Students may choose a virtual background. Choices are:

      1. Solid Red, White, or Black

      2. Classroom Pictures

      3. Renaissance Logo

      4. Etc.

5.Microphone is muted until it is your turn to speak.

6.Zoom name is your first and last name.

7.Chat is used exclusively for on task conversation.

8. If you must leave your screen, please:

    1. Private message the teacher

    2. Mute mic and stop video

    3. Use no more than 5 minutes