Reggie's Legacy

Yours in the Struggle, Reggie

Video (9:27 min.) introducing you to Reggie and his activism. It was made for his Farewell Banquet in San Francisco, February 1994. With many pictures and video fragments from No Regret by Marlon Riggs.

April 29, 1999 - Celebrating Reggie's Life

Quotes by different guests at the event in San Francisco, CA, on April 29, 1999, the day he would have turned 48. 

The event was organized by Al Cunningham.

Time 7:07 min.


Reggie Williams talks about the "Yours in the Struggle Project" in an interview by Al Cunningham:

The struggle with racism, homophobia. HIV prevention.

Time 9:06

December 1998. Visit at San Francisco AIDS Office. Presentation of their client registration system REGGIE, dedicated to Reggie Williams.

Filmed by W. Schreiber. Time 2:08

On Black AIDS Awareness Day, February 7, 2010 Amy McMahon opens the Reggie exhibit at Stop AIDS Cincinnati

Filmed with small photo camera, please excuse the bad quality.

Time 2:55

National AIDS Memorial Grove, San Francisco

Sandra R. Hernández, MD, speaks about Reggie Williams

Time 4:43

2021. Strange Fruit: Jerry Haimé, filmed by Anne Krul

Time 5:11

Preparing together for REGGIE70. Jerry Haimé reads CORDON NEGRO, a poem written by ESSEX HEMPHILL. Talks about REGGIE WILLIAMS and his legacies. Recording by krul. 

“When I met Reggie I was struggling with my HIV-status. Actually I was saying farewell to life. I was in a grieving process, was waiting for horrible things to happen. Reggie showed me – also the HIV Vereniging – Yes you can live with HIV, you are not gonna die instantly, horrible things do not need to happen. Inspired by Reggie, I got a new sense of pride, so to speak, around homosexuality, black men, gay black men living with HIV. 

This is also how I have been identifying myself since then. It was a growing process, not a sudden event. Over the years I have learned a lot from Reggie, after first being silent about my sero-status to anybody. To this day Reggie is my source of inspiration. I have been liberated as black gay man living with HIV, so yes absolutely he has inspired me. He brought us a new focus, record and document your own experiences, concerns and obstacles. Up till then documenting and archiving was dependent on the white 'outside world'. Reggie convinced us about the importance of do-it-yourselves, take matters in our own hands as BPOC LGBTIQA peoples. And yes, today we reap the fruits.

Reggie Williams has introduced me to works of Essex Hemphill and Marlon Riggs.These poems have a lot of meaning for me –  and prose poetry storytelling – and films made by Marlon Riggs. Nowadays I watch and enjoy all of them, for me they are still of great importance. I share these works with others, for empowerment. Let us read!“

Temporarily 3 billboards 

The Names - Reggie Williams

I once lost my heart in the middle of a snow storm. It flew high amidst a Amsterdam sky, the blizzard heaving and belting, loosing lifeline. Fainter, fainter we held our breaths until it burst. Open, finally open we read each other's tales and held on to the rivers.

Have you ever seen someone go to heaven? I have, we did!

Olumide Popoola

In loving memory of Reggie Williams

April 29, 1951 - February 7, 1999

Reggie Williams

Reggie Williams was born on April 29, 1951 (to February 7, 1999). He was a health care professional, a charismatic community leader, a highly effective early activist for HIV prevention

The Dutch Memorial Site

The American AIDS Memorial Quilt celebrates the lives of real people who were loved and lost to HIV/AIDS. They are each remembered on a stretch of fabric called a panel. 

Do not know who made the panel for Reggie.