The Early Years, till 1991

The National Task Force on AIDS Prevention

1985 - 87

NTFAP (National Task Force on AIDS Prevention) was part of BAHSES. 

Reggie tested HIV-positive in 1986, at the age of 35.  

Reggie getting arrested in DC, 1987


NTFAP staff photo shortly after moving to O'Farrell Street Office: Al, Feeb, Alan, Gavin, Jaime

In 1988 Reggie was one of the co-founders of the National Task Force on AIDS Prevention, the first nationwide organization targeting Black Gay men. Reggie served as the Task Force's Executive Director until his retirement in February 1994. 

Please read the Mission Statement and their History and AIDS Prevention Goals.

The NTFAP existed until 1998.


GMOCC - Gay Men of Color Consortium 

1989/1990 - A group of five gay men of color (Douglas Yaranon, Phill Tingley, Rodrigo Reyes, Steve Lew and Reggie Williams) start the San Francisco Gay Men of Color Consortium.

with Brandy Moore (1949-1994)

with Steve Feeback, Simon Nkoli (1957-1998), John Teamer (1941-1994)

1989, Simon Nkoli, photo by J. Potratz


Douglas, Feeb, Simon, ..., Pat Norman, John T., Reggie

June, 1989, West Hollywood, CA. 

The first national “train the trainers” for HOT, HORNY & HEALTHY, A SAFER SEX PLAYSHOP, June, 1989, West Hollywood, CA. REGGIE (far left, back row) and PHILL WILSON (photographer) led the training, assisted by ERIC PEREZ (Esquizito, far right, back row), and DR. LAVERNE MIDDLETON (3rd from right, front row). 

Hot, Horny and Healthy

with Shurland

Marlon Riggs (l), Reggie Williams, Essex Hemphill (r), July 1989. Premiere of Tongues Untied Photos

1989 Tongues Untied

Reggie Williams, Executive Director National Task Force on AIDS Prevention, at House Government Ops. Subcommittee


In another article by Marilyn Chase, published 6/14/90: "Black Gay Men Found to Continue AIDS-Risk Activity " she cites Reggie Williams:

"While they've heard the message of AIDS, it hasn't translated into safe-sex behavior all the time," said study director Reggie Williams, executive director of the National Task Force on AIDS Prevention of the National Association of Black and White Men Together. Mr. Williams said he hoped the study would serve as a spur to fund more aggressive programs of outreach and education, designed to reach minority populations. Few of the survey respondents were aware, for example, that blacks die of AIDS at a five times faster rate than do whites, he said.

"Education programs need to be targeted to the black gay and bisexual communities," he said. "We hope that will help them to do what they need to do to save their lives."


One Life for Another: The Survivor's Story, with photographs (1987) by Barbi Schreiber

Dressing Up History - Gay stories come alive at historical society (sfgate.com, 2001)

... One poignant photograph at the exhibit -- of activist Reggie Williams (1951-1999) -- speaks volumes. Behind his handsome portrait is the story of a hero, one of the few who dared to be publicly recognised as a person with AIDS in a time when the HIV infection was still considered a "gay plague" that could get you evicted or fired. 

A founder of the National Task Force on AIDS Prevention and Black and White Men Together, Williams was part of a movement that emphasized safe sex and vaccine development while partaking of available medications.

In the personal statement written 14 years ago to accompany his photograph, Williams wrote, "I can take AZT or whatever drugs are developed to prolong my life for a time but my hope is for finding a vaccine to prevent the children of the future from getting the disease."

> Read the article

Finding Aid to the National Task Force on AIDS Prevention, 1986-1994 Collection Summary

Collection is open for research.

UCSF Library - AIDS History Project