Reggie Williams 1951 - 1999
Reggie Williams
Cincinnati, April 29, 1951 - Amsterdam, February 7, 1999
Black Gay AIDS Activist, Co-Founder and Executive Director (1988-1994) of the National Task Force on AIDS Prevention (NTFAP) is the URL you can share!
April 29, 2021
We were celebrating that Reggie was born 70 years ago!
00:00:00 - 00:12:00 Welcome from Wolfgang and Al, introducing some of the more than 50 participants from all over the world
00:12:00 - 00:28:00 Invocation and Libation – Reverend Duncan E. Teague
00:28:00 Acknowledging Reverend Donald Ransom on his 77th birthday!
Reverend Donald A. Ransom April 29, 1944 - August 1, 2022, ObituaryAcknowledging the passing of Ken Jones November 9, 1950 January 13, 2021
Acknowledging Curators/Co-Hosts, V. Papaya Mann, Chris “William” Bland, Jaime Geaga,
Steve Lew, George Bellinger Jr.
00:33:20 - 00:35:41 VIDEO MESSAGE from Ron Rowell, MPH, founder and executive director of the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center.
00:36:50 - 1:08:48 GROWING UP REGGIE:
Family and Early Friends, curated by Papaya Mann
00:40:40 - 00:46:20 VIDEO MESSAGE from Lauren Wilson (Reggie's niece)
Video from Denise Williams, Reggie's sister, Lauren's mom) (Link to Video on Facebook)
00:53:00 - 01:00:00 Live remarks from his friend Leon Baskin
01:00:30 - 01:07:50 PowerPoint of photos from the The Seventies in Los Angeles, with comments by Leon Baskin
Curated by @William Bland @Jaime Geaga @Steve Lew
01:08:50 - 01:13:06 Steve Lew
01:13:06 - 01:23:24 Phill Wilson, Hot, Horny and Healthy Workshops
01:23:24 - 01:31:52 Gavin Morrow-Hall and Phill Wilson
01:31:52 - San Francisco Gay Men of Color Coalition / Consortium - Founding groups: American Indian AIDS Institute (Now: NNAAPC), Curas - Community United in Response to AIDS/SIDA (Later: Proyecto ContraSIDA por Vida, GAPA Community HIV Project, Filipino Task Force on AIDS (FTFA)
01:33:50 Jaime Geaga,
01:39:28 Tina Valentín Aguirre,
01:46:10 Les Hanson
01:48:24 Chris “William” Bland on Coalition building!
01:50:24 Gerald Lenoir
01:56:49 Mike Shriver
01:59:36 EACH Program, Reggie's Legacy with NTFAP: Randall Miller.
02:10:39 Comments: Jesse Johnson, Joel Tan, Tim Wilson, Papaya Mann, George Bellinger Jr., Rupert Kinnard, Ellen Goldstein
02:26:15 Al Cunningham, James Credle (Newark, NJ)
James Credle, February 7, 1945 – April 15, 2023 , obituary
02:29:35 Video FIREBALL 1995 - Present - A Tribute to Reggie Williams > 02:38:45
Curated by George Bellinger Jr and Wolfgang Schreiber
02:44:00 H. Alexander Satorie-Robinson
02:49:00 Steve Lew
02:50:20 Ernest Hopkins
02:57:38 Vincent Crisostomo
03:00:00 Phill Wilson
03:13:00 - about working together with women: George reading Sandra McDonald's (Founder/President OUTREACH, INC. ATLANTA) words
03:15:00 Papaya Mann, (Yvonne Chambers)
03:18:30 Wolfgang Schreiber: Reggie's life in Amsterdam and Strange Fruit (Slideshow)
03:42:08 Jerry Haimé reads "Cordon Negro" by Essex Hemphill and talks about Reggie
03:48:26 Thank you all, by Al and Wolfgang
03:51:40 Video "The Best Thing"
Good Bye!
More Reggie videos you'll find on the Reggie Exhibit's YouTube Channel
If you haven't done that yet:
Drop a pin (or several) with a photo on the Padlet Reggie's World
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on Facebook
And take a look at
The Reggie Williams Exhibit website
Some remarks in the Zoom chat:
Charles Stephens: This history is so important. Very interested in how we can continue to document this.
Clarmundo "Michael" Sullivan:
(...) It was amazing to see you all. You all shaped my 30 year fight against HIV that continues today! You mentorship influenced me to start Golden Rule Services in Sacramento, CA.
Joel Tan: Incredible life changing fellowship at the national GMOC conferences.
Tina Valentin Aguirre (they/them/theirs):
I love all of this!
Rev. Duncan Teague: After more than 2 hours of a HHH playshop here in Hotlanta, I had a member of a "certain" megachurch ask me to attend a healing ministry for gay men. Lord have mercy.
Ellen Goldstein: NTFAP hosted the first PLUS seminars for newly HIV+ people and their FFLs (family, friends, lovers) with Alfredo Armendariz. These weekends were inclusive, supportive, loving, funny, heart-filled, informative, community-building… Changed the lives of so many people, including mine.
Steve Lew: Reggie used to say that activism saved his life
Tina Valentin Aguirre (they/them/theirs): Please consider donating items to the GLBT Historical Society for preservation and presentation. It’s important that the children learn our histories.
Gavin Morrow-Hall:
This has been wonderful and great seeing you all. Thank you for sharing all the memories
Vince A. Sales: I am grateful to be in community with you in this space.
Cornelius Moore: This was a wonderful gathering. Happy Birthday Reggie. Thank you Al Cunningham for inviting me to attend.
Alan McCord: So many memories! Just wanted to mention other orgs who contributed so much over the years, and some of which have already been mentioned ... Native American AIDS Project, Proyecto Contra SIDA Por Vida, BAHSES (eventually becoming The Brothers Network), American Indian AIDS Institute, GAPA Community HIV Project, Gay Asian Pacific Alliance, National Native American AIDS Prevention Center, Living Well Project, Aguilas, Filipino Task Force on AIDS, APEB, Comunidad Unida en Respuesta al AIDS/SIDA, Ark of Refuge, Black Coalition on AIDS, Asian Pacific Islander Wellness Center, Gay Men of Color Consortium, Gay Men of Color AIDS Institutes, National LLEGO, Black Gay & Lesbian Leadership Forum, etc. Others?
Joel Tan: A hui ho dear ones. Mahalo for organizing and let’s plan that GMOC reunion in Hawaii.
Rupert Kinnard: (...) I love you all and keep up the good work!!!!
Mike Shriver: Thank you all for a beautiful birthday tribute to Reggie!
Martin Ornelas-Mata: Must go, but Love to Reggie!!! Y Como Siempre...Unidos en la Lucha!!!
Tony Glover: Yes...thank you James! Loved the video, and I know the expanse of your and Don's work in Newark saved so many.
Gil Gerald: This was a wonderful tribute to Reggie and his gifts to all of us. It was wonderful to see all of you. Much love!
Randall Miller: Phill's first story reminds me of the time some of us all found each other in Paris after the Amsterdam Conference and had several days of Bristers-doing-Paris -- in the steps of Baldwin.
H Alexander Satorie-Robinson: Thank you to all of the organizers and to my brothers and sisters in the struggle. Reggie is still bringing us together and for that I will be eternally grateful.
Randall Miller: Thank you for organizing this celebration of Reggie and a healing space for all of those of us who loved him. Blessings and stay safe and well!
Vincent Crisostomo: Thank you all. Reggie lives on forever.
Les Everett: Thank you Al, Wolfgang, and all who put this beautiful tribute together. Peace... Les & Steve, Chicago
Esquizito 1&Only: Let us give thanks and praise, and laugh. Live! Love... a Todos!!
Bradley Green: Al, Wolfgang, and all. Thanks for putting this together.
Rev. Duncan Teague: We appreciate all the spiritus who joined us and we release them. Love and courage.
Loras Ojeda: This was beautiful, Take good care everyone! Happy Birthday Reggie!
Esquizito 1&Only: I'm proud to have known you all; and especially proud of our (so called) Long-term Survivors. Perhaps I shall see some of you in New Orleans. I am in Puerto Vallarta, mostly! With one foot in the 6ft. deep...
Olumide Popoola: thank you so much for organising and all the work everyone, this was so beautiful and moving
Tony Glover: Thank you to organizers and contributors Al, George, James, Randy, Wolfie, Steve, Gavin, whom I know, and all those I just met for the first time...What a wonderful tribute. Reggie was and remains one of a kind. I am grateful that my walk through life crossed with his. Much love to you all and happy birthday, Reggie!
Yvonne Chambers: Thank you for including me in such a wonderful acknowledgment of a life well lived. This is a manifestation of his legacy.
Planning Meeting on April 17th for the Zoom Event