Hymn of the Holy Spirit (Veni Creátor)

Sequence of the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, and from heaven

Direct on man the rays of your light.

Come, Father of the poor,

Come, giver of God’s gift.

Come, light of men’s hearts.

Kindly Advocate,

In your gracious visits to man’s soul,

You bring relief and consolation.

If it is weary with toil, you bring it ease;

In the heat of temptation, your grace cools it;

If sorrowful, your words console it.

Light most blessed,

Shine on the hearts of your faithful –

Even in their darkest corners;

For without your aid man can do nothing,

And everything is sinful.

Wash clean the sinful soul,

Rain down your grace on the parched soul

And heal the injured soul.

Soften the hard heart,

Cherish and warm the icecold heart,

And give direction to the wayward.

Give your seven holy gifts to your faithful,

For their trust is in you.

Give them reward for their virtuous acts,

Give them a death that ensures salvation,

And give them unending bliss. Amen.

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