The Eucharistic Hour is an opportunity to dialogue personally with Christ, to get to know and love him more intimately, to make reparation for our sins and those of mankind, to thank him for his testimony of self-giving and love, to offer our own struggles in favor of his kingdom, and to pray for the needs of the Church, our own family, the world, and ourselves (RCMH, 253).

Whenever possible, the Eucharistic Hour should be prayed before the Blessed Sacrament solemnly exposed. The assembly should be standing while waiting for the priest; once the tabernacle is opened, everyone kneels and the hymn Pange Lingua or another appropriate song in English can be sung.

Pange lingua

Pange, lingua, gloriósi

córporis mystérium,

sanguinísque pretiósi,

quem in mundi prétium

fructus ventris generósi

Rex effúdit géntium.

Nobis datus, nobis natus

ex intácta Vírgine,

et in mundo conversátus,

sparso verbi sémine,

sui moras incolátus

miro clausit órdine.

In suprémae nocte cenae

recúmbens cum frátribus,

observáta lege plene

cibis in legálibus,

cibum turbae duodénae

se dat suis mánibus.

Verbum caro panem verum

verbo carnem éfficit

fitque sanguis Christi merum,

et, si sensus déficit,

ad firmándum cor sincérum

sola fides súfficit.


Of the glorious Body telling,

o my tongue, its mysteries sing,

and the Blood, all price excelling,

which the world’s eternal King,

in a noble womb once dwelling

shed for the world’s ransoming.

Given for us, descending,

of a Virgin to proceed,

man with man in converse blending,

scattered he the Gospel seed,

till his sojourn drew to ending,

which he closed in wondrous deed.

At the last great supper lying

circled by his brethren’s band,

meekly with the law complying,

first he finished its command then,

immortal food supplying,

gave himself with his own hand.

Word made flesh, by word he maketh

very bread his flesh to be;

man un wine Christ’s blood partaketh:

and if senses fail to see,

faith alone the true heart waketh

to behold the mystery.


The Eucharistic Hour begins with the following prayer:

Prayer to Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus, we are here, gathered around you. We are overwhelmed by the pain that our sins and the sins of everyone in the world have caused you. We ask you to purify our hearts. Come and stay with us, Lord. Teach us the truth of your Gospel and show us our mission in life so that, in union with you through sanctifying grace, we can please you in all we do and be effective apostles of your Kingdom in the world.

When you do the Eucharistic Hour with your team, you pray the Rosary followed by a Gospel reading and commentary by one of the participants. When on your own, you pray the Rosary and then read a Gospel passage and reflect on it or contemplate it.

Finish with the Invocations and the Litany.


V/ Lord, we believe in you! (three times)

R/ Lord, we believe in you!

V/ Lord, we hope in you! (three times)

R/ Lord, we hope in you!

V/ Lord, we love you! (three times)

R/ Lord, we love you!

V/ Lord, we adore you! (three times)

R/ Lord, we adore you!

V/ Lord, we thank you! (three times)

R/ Lord, we thank you!

V/ Lord Jesus, we believe that you are the Son of the living God! (three times)

R/ Lord Jesus, we believe that you are the Son of the living God!

V/ Lord Jesus, we believe that you are the Savior of all people! (three times)

R/ Lord Jesus, we believe that you are the Savior of all people!

V/ Lord Jesus! (three times)

R/ Make us holy.

V/ Mary! (three times)

R/ Pray for the Regnum Christi members.


V/ Lord, have mercy,

R/ Lord, have mercy.

V/ Christ, have mercy,

R/ Christ, have mercy.

V/ Lord, have mercy,

R/ Lord, have mercy.

V/ Christ, hear us,

R/ Christ, hear us.

V/ Lord Jesus, hear our prayer,

R/ Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.

V/ God our Father in heaven,

R/ have mercy on us.

V/ God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

R/ have mercy on us.

V/ God the Holy Spirit,

R/ have mercy on us.

V/ Holy Trinity, one God,

R/ have mercy on us.

V/ Holy Mary,

R/ pray for us.

V/ Holy Mother of God,

R/ pray for us.

V/ Holy apostles,

R/ make us apostles for Christ.

V/ Holy Apostles Peter and Paul,

R/ help us to keep the faith.

V/ Holy evangelists,

R/ help us to proclaim Christ.

V/ Holy martyrs,

R/ make us witnesses to Christ.

V/ Holy confessors,

R/ make us faithful followers of Christ.

V/ All holy men and women,

R/ pray for us.

V/ By the mystery of your incarnation,

R/ save us, Lord.

V/ By your birth,

R/ save us, Lord.

V/ By your baptism,

R/ save us, Lord.

V/ By your passion and death,

R/ save us, Lord.

V/ By your resurrection,

R/ save us, Lord.

V/ By your ascension,

R/ save us, Lord.

V/ By the coming of the Holy Spirit,

R/ save us, Lord.

V/ On the Day of Judgement,

R/ save us, Lord.

V/ For the preservation, progress, and holiness of your Church,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ Grant the Holy Father the grace to grow in holiness, and help him through your

Spirit to govern the Church,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ Help bishops, priests, religious, and lay people to be always faithful to the teachings and discipline of the Church and stay loyal to your Vicar,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ Help priests, religious, and consecrated persons to be faithful to their vocation, to give witness of Christian life, and to grow always in their apostolic zeal,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ Help lay people to be aware of their baptismal commitments and strive to build your Kingdom in their hearts, in their families, and in their work,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ Help the members of the Regnum Christi Movement to be faithful to the charism you have given us, and so be docile instruments in your hands at the service of the Church and all people,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For the unity of Christians in one faith under the authority of your Vicar,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For the conversion of all to the truth of the Gospel,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For all those who are being persecuted for the sake of your name,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For the defense of the Church from her enemies,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For the preservation and progress of the Christian family,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For the Christian formation and education of young people,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ That the Gospel will guide all those who are dedicated to science and technology,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ That the workplace will increasingly reflect Christian values,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ That public officials will govern with justice and equity, and respect for your rights,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For the poor, the sick, and everyone suffering in body or in spirit,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For the peace, civic harmony, and development of all peoples,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For the conversion of sinners,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ Grant eternal rest to all our loved ones, whom you have called already into your presence,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ For the entire people of God,

R/ Lord, hear our prayer.

V/ Lord, have mercy,

R/ Lord, have mercy.

V/ Christ, have mercy,

R/ Christ, have mercy.

V/ Lord, have mercy,

R/ Lord, have mercy.

V/ Let us pray: Almighty and merciful God, you break the power of evil and make all things new in your Son Jesus Christ, the King of the universe. May all in heaven and earth acclaim your glory and never cease to praise you. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

R/ Amen.

When the Eucharistic Hour has taken place in the presence of the exposed Blessed Sacrament, Benediction is given after the Litany. Otherwise, the Eucharistic Hour ends with the closing prayer: “We give you thanks for all your gifts …”

When the priest or deacon has finished praying the Litany, the Tantum Ergo should be sung.

Tantum Ergo

Tantum ergo sacramentum

veneremur cernui,

et antiquum documentum

novo cedat ritui;

Praestet fides supplementum,

sensuum defectui.

Genitori genitoque,

laus et iubilatio.

Salus, honor, virtus quoque

sit et benedictio:

Procedenti ab utroque.

Compar sit laudatio. Amen.

Come, adore this wondrous presence;

bow to Christ, the source of grace!

Here is kept the ancient promise

of God’s earthly dwelling place!

Sight is blind before God’s glory,

faith alone may see his face.

Glory be to God the Father,

praise to his coequal Son,

adoration to the Spirit,

bond of love, in Godhead one!

Blest be God by all creation

joyously while ages run! Amen.

The priest kneels while the acolyte places the humeral veil over his shoulders. After giving the benediction, the priest kneels down before the altar, the humeral veil is removed, and the divine praises are prayed.

The Divine Praises

Blest be God.

Blest be his holy name.

Blest be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.

Blest be the name of Jesus.

Blest be his most sacred heart.

Blest be his most precious blood.

Blest be Jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar.

Blest be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.

Blest be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.

Blest be her holy and immaculate conception.

Blest be her glorious assumption.

Blest be the name of Mary, virgin and mother.

Blest be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.

Blest be God in his angels and in his saints.

While the Blessed Sacrament is being reposed, a Eucharistic hymn or song of thanksgiving can be sung.

When the priest closes the tabernacle, everyone stands until the priest leaves.

Continue to Various Prayers