Rawdon MBC, Harbour Refurbishment, 2024

In March 1942, during World War 2, in the Pacific Theatre of operations, the United States Navy formed a Construction Battalion of fighting engineers that became known as the “Seabees”.

The Seabees were tasked with constructing airfields, harbours, pontoons and a whole host of other infrastructure in the forward operating areas to support the US military in their endeavours to push back the enemy forces.

Eighty years or so later, members of Rawdon Model Boat Club (RMBC) have formed their own “Construction Team” (SeaTeas) to rebuild and refurbish the harbour facilities on Larkfield Tarn, in Rawdon. Fortunately they have not had to fight off snipers and air attacks but they are doing a magnificent job in beautiful surroundings, their spirits and moral maintained by copious cups of tea and lots of good natured banter.

Alan, Nick and Stuart, aided by Dave, Mick and supported by Trevor, Ray, Mike W and Mike C, usually spend their time at Larkfield Tarn sailing and racing model yachts. But this year they have been working tirelessly to prepare “Port Rawdon” for the Open Day scheduled for June 8th 2024. As you can see in the photos they are really happy in their work. The harbour was last seen on the water in 2019, before Covid curtailed a lot of the club activities for such a long time. Since then the buildings and pontoons have languished in a shed, untended, unloved and unseen.

The following photos show how Port Rawdon was reborn...

Introducing the Chief Architects and Prime Movers of the Harbour Refurbishment

Alan, Nick and Stuart

Nick and Stuart cutting wood for the pontoon

Alan proudly showing off the second lighthouse

Some of the newly repaired and repainted buildings ready to be installed onto a pontoon

Stuart, assisted by Dave and Ray positioning the first of the pontoons

Port Rawdon is ready for operations!

Looking like part of the landscape...

a ship or two would add to the scene

RAWDON Model Boat Club

Larkfield Road, Rawdon, Leeds. LS19 6EQ.