Rawdon Model Boat Club has been featured in the following online publications;-

GoYorkshire Magazine

click here to see the online article.

Ilkley Gazette

2023, click here and here to see the articles

2024, click here and here to see the articles

Model Boats Magazine website

click here to see the online album

Model Boats Website (not the magazine)

Click here to see the forum

Telegraph & Argus (Bradford)

2023, click here and here to see the articles

2024, click here to the the article

Yorkshire Post

2023, click here and here to see the articles

2023, YP video, click here


Yorkshire Evening Post

2023, click here to see the article


Wharfedale Observer

2023, click here to see the article

2024, click here and here to see the articles

Please note that Rawdon Model Boat Club can Not be held responsible for the content of other sites.

Please let me know about any broken links or other website problems by emailing rmbc.enquiries@yahoo.com

Thank you. 

RAWDON Model Boat Club

Larkfield Road, Rawdon, Leeds. LS19 6EQ.