Welcome to Rawdon Model Boat Club, the best place to be in any weather

Larkfield Tarn 

So peaceful in the early morning.

Rawdon Model Boat Club Open Day, June 2023

Rawdon Model Boat Club

The best model boat club in Yorkshire.

You will be sure of a warm welcome in our friendly clubhouse.

There has been a model boat club on Larkfield Tarn since the 1930’s. 

The tarn was constructed in the 1820s to supply water to a nearby textile mill, but the lake is now owned by Rawdon Model Boat Club.

Rawdon Model Boat Club was formed in 2003 after the dissolution of the club that preceded it.

With lots of hard work, and some generous donations and bequests by members, the club was transformed in to what you see today, the best model boat club in the North of England, (probably!)

Larkfield Tarn is a private lake. Visitors are welcome.

Polite Notice

Rawdon Model Boat Club is the proud owner of Larkfield Tarn.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

RAWDON Model Boat Club

Larkfield Road, Rawdon, Leeds. LS19 6EQ.