
The RAAAP Team


Simon Kerridge has be the driving force behind RAAAP since the very start in 2014.  Over the years there have been many others involved, and the current team comprises Madhuri Dutta, Melinda Fischer, and Cristina Oliveira.

Meet the current team

We are all volunteers, brought together in our spare time to better understand the profession of research management and administration

The RAAAP-3 Team at the RAAAP Workshop at the INORMS Conference in Durban, South Africa, 2023Left-Right: Melinda, Simon, Cristina, Madhuri

Simon Kerridge
Kerridge Research Consulting, UK

Madhuri Dutta
George Institute for Global Health, India

Melinda Fischer
Clemson University

Cristina Oliveira
NOVA IMS, Portugal

Simon Kerridge is Founder of Kerridge Research Consulting and Honorary Staff at the University of Kent with over 30 years’ experience as an RMA and has a passion for the profession. He is Past Chair of the UK Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA), serves on the board of the European association (EARMA), and has previously held committee positions for the US National Council of University Administrators (NCURA). Simon has led the various RAAAP projects and was given the 2022 Innovation Award from CARA the Canadian Association of Research Administrators for his leadership on RAAAP. He is Managing Editor of JoRMA, the Journal of Research Management and Administration, holds a professional doctorate in electronic research administration, and has taught on the Johns Hopkins’ masters in research administration. He is also Co-chair of the NISO Standing Committee for CRediT the contributor role taxonomy for journal article authorship, and was an author of the Metric Tide report.

Madhuri Dutta has over 12 years’ experience in research management, starting in a funding organisation (DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance) and then moving on to public health research institutes in India. Madhuri is an India research Management Initiative (IRMI) Fellow and as a Member of IRMI Professional Development Committee, is co-developing a course curriculum in research management for India based RMAs. Madhuri has recently been highlighted in Women in STEM: Vanguards of India@75 (p. 46, 2022).  She is a Co-PI on the RAAAP-3 project.

Melinda Fischer is a Pre-Award Manager and has been a Research Administrator since 2013, working in both pre- and post-award positions at Clemson University. She holds both Certified Research Administrator and Certified Pre-Award Research Administrator credentials. She has presented for INORMS, NCURA, SRAI, ARMA, CARA and other associations on various research administration topics and served in leadership positions at the regional level for NCURA. Melinda is PI on the RAPIDS project and a Co-PI on the RAAAP-3 project, and also works with colleagues in Portugal, UK, and Belgium, investigating the similarities and differences of RMAs working in various settings: university central and departmental offices and non-research performing organisations, e.g., funders. She is also an editor of JoRMA.  Serving in different roles at Clemson University since 2007, Melinda is passionate about faculty development and facilitating formation of collaborative teams of researchers. She is equally passionate about expanding international networks of research administrators, understanding the connection between people and knowledge exchange enhances lives, both personally and professionally.

Cristina Oliveira has 15 years of experience in research management, particularly in pre-award. She is the Executive Manager of the MagIC Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon and leads NOVA in the EC-funded RM Roadmap project. She is a Trainer in RMA-related topics, including the foRMAtion course. Cristina is an Active Member of the Portuguese ‘Platform at the Interface of Science’ (PIC), the Vice-chair of the BESTPRAC EARMA thematic group, and a Co-PI on the RAAAP-3 project.

We are always looking for more associations and networks to help disseminate the surveys.

If you are a member of an association or network that does not currently have a champion to help us distribute the survey, then let us know - all we need from you is the ability to send an email and a few reminders in the following weeks to the members of your group? 

Interested?  Please send us an email: 

We intend to run the RAAAP-4 survey at the beginning of 2025.

We develop the survey in English, and last time had a version in (South American) Spanish, as well as a few questions in French.  If you would like to help with translation in to these or other languages, please do let us know!

We provide a spreadsheet in English, simply add a new column with the translations in another language.  Having the questions and options in a local language really helps to increase the range of the survey!

Interested?  Please send us an email: 

We expect to be undertaking translations fro RAAAP-4 at the end of 2024 / start of 2025