On this page you will find links to all the various RAAAP datasets, as well as the supporting documentation such as the questionnaires and SPSS syntax files used to clean and process the data.  In order to ensure anonymity, as well as redacting certain text responses they have also been separated from the main dataset and linked only geographic region (AnalysisRegionOfEmployment).  So, for example if someone described their previous employment as being at the "University of Kent in the UK" this would be redacted to "University of XXXX in the UK", and to avoid triangulation with other data points this text would in in one of the linked datasets rather than the main one.

In general the data are available both as SPSS data files - useful for detailed and specialised analyses, and in CSV/Excel format for easy simple analyses.

RAAAPA - Longitudinal Data

The RAAAPA project (funded by NCURA) produced some infographics, and in order to do so also created a longitudinal dataset from the common elements across the first three surveys.  Please do note that sometimes the questions were refined between surveys so some of the data are not directly comparable, these are noted in the RAAAP-3 Variable Mapping file.  The full collection of RAAAPA files is on figshare.

RAAAP-123 Main Dataset [SPSS] [Excel]: Kerridge, S., & Fischer, M. (2023). RAAAP-123 Main Datasets (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.23309621.v2

RAAAP-123 Main Datasets for Workshop [Excel]: Kerridge, S., & Fischer, M. (2024). RAAAP-123 Main Datasets (for Workshop).xlsx (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.26123668.v1  

RAAAP-123 Main dataset creation syntax [SPSS]: Kerridge, S., & Fischer, M. (2023). RAAAP-123 Main dataset creation syntax (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.23309687.v2 

RAAAPA Infographics [PDF]: Kerridge, S., & Fischer, M. (2023). RAAAPA Infographics (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.23790870.v1  - you can find more information on the Infographics page.


The third iteration of the RAAAP survey was conducted in 2022 by Simon Kerridge, Madhuri Dutta, Melinda Fischer, and Cristina Oliveira.  It elicited 5,076 responses (3,532 with near full data) from 66 countries.  As with previous surveys a process of data cleansing and anonymisation was undertaken (see the syntax file for details), and the data released as a main dataset with 17 associated datasets with textual responses.  In order to aid future analyses rather than being linked only by region, for RAAAP-3 these associated files also contain CountryOfEmployment as a linking field.  The full collection of RAAAP-3 files is on figshare.

The focus of the RAAAP-3 survey was "How I Became a Research Manager and Administrator" (HIBARMA), and so the associated Career Dataset has much more detail than the previous surveys.  The RAAAP-3 Team also plan to undertake interviews with some respondents in order to create a bank of "stories" showing the diversity of routes into the profession.

RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Main Dataset [SPSS] [Excel]: Kerridge, S., Dutta, M., Fischer, M., & Oliveira, C. I. (2023). RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Main Dataset (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21120058.v1 

RAAAP-3 Questionnaire [PDF]:  Fischer, M., Kerridge, S., Oliveira, C. I., & Dutta, M. (2022). RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Questionnaire (Version 3). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.20459370.v3

RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Associated Datasets: Kerridge, S., Dutta, M., Fischer, M., & Oliveira, C. I. (2023). RAAAP-3 HIBARMA Associated Data Sets (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22747157.v1 (the 17 associated datasets for RAAAP-3)
RAAAP-3 Any Comments [SPSS] [Excel] - identical structure to RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 AnyIssues [SPSS] [Excel] - identical structure to RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 AreasWorkingIn  [SPSS] [Excel] - identical structure to RAAAP-2 (not in RAAAP-1)
RAAAP-3 CareerDataset [SPSS] [Excel] - much expanded in RAAAP-3
RAAAP-3 CurrentEmploymentStatusDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 CurrentEmploymentTypeDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 CurrentRoleLevelDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 EducationAligned [SPSS] [Excel] - same structure as RAAAP-2 (not in RAAAP-1)
RAAAP-3 EmployerDataset [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 HighestQualificationSubjectDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 IdentityDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - new in RAAAP-3
RAAAP-3 ImpactDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - similar to RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 InstitutionCharacterDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 InstitutionTypeDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 OrgDepartmentDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2
RAAAP-3 PD_OtherDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2 (professional development)
RAAAP-3 PQ_OtherDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2 (professional qualifications)

Variable Mapping  [Excel]: Kerridge, S., Dutta, M., Fischer, M., & Oliveira, C. I. (2023). RAAAP-3 Variable Mapping (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22747766.v1

Code Book [Excel]: Kerridge, S., Dutta, M., Fischer, M., & Oliveira, C. I. (2023). RAAAP-3 Codebook (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22769582.v1

RAAAP-3 SPSS Syntax Files [SPSS]: Kerridge, S., Dutta, M., Fischer, M., & Oliveira, C. I. (2023). RAAAP-3 SPSS Syntax Files (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22769609.v1 (syntax files used to cleanse and process the data and then split into the main and associated datasets)


Following endorsement from INORMS the second iteration of the RAAAP survey was conducted in 2019 by a core group of Simon Kerridge,  Patrice Ajai-Ajagbe, Cindy Kiel, and Bryony Wakefield with advice from Stephanie Scott and Deborah Zornes.  It elicited 4,324 responses (4,260 with near full data) from 74 countries.  As with the first survey a process of data cleansing and anonymisation was undertaken (see the syntax file for details), and the data released as a main dataset with 16 associated datasets with textual responses.  The full collection of RAAAP-2 files is on figshare.

The focus of the RAAAP-2 survey was on support for research impact, and for that section Julie Bayley, co-chair of the INORMS RISE Working Group, joined the core group.

RAAAP-2 Main Dataset [SPSS] [Excel]: is part of the suite of 17 datasets: Kerridge, S., Ajai-Ajagbe, P., Kiel, C., Shambrook, J., & Wakefield, B. (2022). RAAAP-2 Datasets (17 linked datasets) (Version 2). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.18972935.v2

RAAAP-2 Questionnaire [PDF]

The other 16 datasets are also available to download directly
RAAAP-2 Any Comments [SPSS] [Excel] - identical structure to RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 AnyIssues [SPSS] [Excel] - identical structure to RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 AreasWorkingIn  [SPSS] [Excel] - not in RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 CareerDataset [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-3
RAAAP-2 CurrentEmploymentStatusDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 CurrentEmploymentTypeDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 CurrentRoleLevelDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 EducationAligned [SPSS] [Excel] - not in RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 EmployerDataset [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 HighestQualificationSubjectDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 ImpactDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - not in RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 InstitutionCharacterDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 InstitutionTypeDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-1
RAAAP-2 OrgDepartmentDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-1
RAAAP-3 PD_OtherDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2 (professional development)
RAAAP-3 PQ_OtherDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - same as RAAAP-2 (professional qualifications)

Variable Mapping [Excel]

Code Book [Excel]

RAAAP-2 Two SPSS Syntax Files [SPSS]: Kerridge, S. (2022). RAAAP-2 SPSS Data Cleansing syntax files. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.18972992.v2 (syntax files used to cleanse and process the data and then split into the main and associated datasets)


The initial RAAAP (Research Administration as a Profession) survey was funded by the NCURA Research Program with Simon Kerridge and Stephanie Scott as co-principal investigators. The RAAAP-1 survey was conducted in 2016 with the support of an international advisory board (Patrice Ajai-Ajagbe, Jan Andersen, Janice Besch, Cindy Kiel, Susi Poli, and Deboraz Zornes). It elicited 2,691 full responses from 63 countries.  A process of data cleansing and anonymisation was devised and undertaken (see the syntax file for details), and the data released as a main dataset with 14 associated datasets with textual responses.  The full collection of RAAAP-1 files is on figshare.

The focus of the initial RAAAP survey was on the skills that research managers and administrators have and need.  Specifically we looked at relative merits of "hard" "technical" skills specific to RMA as opposed to "soft" "transferable" skills.  The overwhelming result is that while technical skill are required it is the more generic soft skills like communication and collaboration that are overwhelmingly important - particularly for RMA leaders.

RAAAP Main Dataset [SPSS] [Excel]: is part of the suite of 15 datasets: Kerridge, S., & Scott, S. (2018). RAAAP Main Dataset (csv export) and related datasets (Version 1). figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7504220.v1 

RAAAP Questionnaire [PDF]

The other 14 datasets are also available to download directly
RAAAP Any Comments [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP AnyIssues [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP CareerDataset [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP CurrentEmploymentStatusDetails [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP EmploymentHistoryDetails [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP CurrentRoleLevelDetails [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP EmployerDataset [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP HighestQualificationSubjectDetails [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP InstitutionCharacterDetails [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP InstitutionTypeDetails [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP OrgDepartmentDetails [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP NumOtherDetails [SPSS] [Excel]
RAAAP PD_OtherDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - Professional Development
RAAAP PQ_OtherDetails [SPSS] [Excel] - Professional Qualifications

Variable Mapping [Excel] - RAAAP Codebook to Datafile Matrix

Code Book [Excel]

RAAAP Data Analysis Plan Summary [PDF]

RAAAP Data Cleansing Process [PDF]

RAAAP SPSS Data Cleansing and Anonymising Syntax File [SPSS]
RAAAP SPSS File Splitting Syntax File [SPSS]