Welcome Students, Families and Staff!

It has been an exciting beginning to the 2023-2024 school year and we are so happy to have each of you in our growing Digital community. 

This site was created to help support you while attending our virtual school. Student Support Services provides support and guidance to students who are experiencing challenges that impact them at school. These challenges can be social/emotional, behavioral and/or community support needs. 

There are a couple of ways you can get ahold of the team and schedule an appointment. We are available through TEAMS, email, phone and through this referral. We are here to help you reach academic success so please let us know how we can help.

Click on "The Team"  up in the navigation bar at the top of the page for our contact information.

Love and light to each of you!

Thank you, 

-Phoenix Digital Support Services Team

As always, if you believe you or your child are having an emergency (includes immediate safety concern such as hinting or talking about suicide, self-harm, abuse, plan to run away, immediate risk of physical violence, severe anxiety or current panic/anxiety attack etc.), please contact:

There are stationary Safe Place locations across the Valley at Quik Trip convenience stores, libraries, fire departments and local businesses. To find the nearest location, teens can text “Safe” and your address to 44357 or call (602) 841-5799.

Call or Text 988 to Connect

What Student Support Services Can Help With 

There are many things that the Support Service Team can assist you with through the Social Worker and Student Liaison. It is our job to provide free and confidential services to our students. Some of those services are:

When Should I Refer a Student to the Student Support Team?

A student should be referred to the Student Support Team when the student shows signs of social and/or emotional difficulties, which are interfering with the student’s success at school.  These issues may include: 

If You are Concerned About a Student's Safety...

If you believe a student has been harmed or have concerns about their safety and well-being, please report to DCS. 

Department of Child Safety (DCS),

Arizona Child Abuse Hotline: 1-888-SOS-CHILD/ (1-888-767-2445)

If a student is experiencing an emotional or mental health crisis or you have concerns about the imminent safety of a student after school hours or on a weekend, contact the Crisis Response Network and/or 911 for immediate support.

Crisis Response Network: 602-222-9444