Towns of fizzyland

In FizzyLand, there's 9 different regions. Each region has their own specialties and main/biggest population that is based on PupPoppies' classes. For example in Dulcet Beaches, the biggest population is Common PupPoppies.

dulcet beaches

Main Population: Common PupPoppies

Specializes in: Tropical vacations & beach parties

Weather: Sunny & hot

Seasons: Summer

Info: If you're looking for having fun and party all time, then this is the right place for you! PupPoppies here are super friendly and won't let anyone be sad and alone. PupPoppies come here to enjoy their summer holidays or for parties in general, since this is the best place to have them.

bamboo thicket

Main Population: Rare PupPoppies & KolibriStraws

Specializes in: Taking care of KolibriStraws

Weather: Sunny & Cloudy, warm

Seasons: Spring, Summer & Fall

Info: If you love pets and especially KolibriStraws, then this is your dream home! This region is the KolibriStraws' home. They mainly live in this forest's unique bamboos where they make holes in them. KolibriStraws and PupPoppies here get along perfectly, especially those who leave them some food to eat. This is also the perfect place for learning more about these unique pets and other creatures, such as PopBuddies for example.

melted deserts

Main Population: Super Rare PupPoppies

Specializes in: Bars & Chilling

Weather: Sunny & Hot

Seasons: Summer

Info: This region is quite small and not spoken about very often. PupPoppies who live here love chilling and spending time in bars drinking. They're not the most hard working PupPoppies, instead quite lazy. But those who are opposite of it are usually the best bartenders in the whole Isle, since the customers here only want the best drinks there are to offer. So if you're looking for amazing tasting drinks or if you're trying to find your Theme/Drink, then this is the place to start.

mellow elixir

Main Population: Legendary PupPoppies

Specializes in: Fashion, business, logistics

Weather: Sunny & Cloudy, mixed

Seasons: 4 Seasons

Info: Some PupPoppies call this region the main city of FizzyLand, and no wonder why, because this is the biggest city in the island and the most popular one. All FizzyLand's celebrities and most recent fashion designers comes from here. They also have the biggest logistics via boats, and they use it for their big businesses (Importing, deliveries etc.). With Mellow Elixir being the most popular city in FizzyLand, PupPoppies here tend to be very snobby and sophisticated, and most aren't that big fan of PupPoppies that are any class than Legendary, Royal or Celestial. They usually think of themselves as "higher-beings" and this is the biggest issue with the richest PupPoppies, which are majority of this city's population here as hinted by the presence of famous Pups and large companies.

honeyed fields

Main Population: BubbleTea PupPoppies

Specializes in: Farming

Weather: Mixed

Seasons: 4 Seasons

Info: This region has the best land for farming literally any type of food. PupPoppies here take advance of this and use it for farming, which is why this is the main region for obtaining all of the foods for the FizzyLand. PupPoppies who live here are very hard working and very welcoming. They won't stand laziness, so lazy PupPoppies are usually eyed with judgement by its citizens.

tranquil swamps

Main Population: Witch PupPoppies

Specializes in: Magic, Witchcraft, Potions/Items, Witch School

Weather: Foggy, Damp, Cloudy

Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall

Info: Well hidden deep in a dark and very old forest, where's a big swamp there's a city of Witches. It is a very communal and warm place to live. PupPoppies here are mainly Witch PupPoppies, where exists 3 types: Good, Evil & Mixed (if no horns, then it's None). Back in the history, none of these groups got along and were constantly in fights. Nowadays the new school of witches have managed to teach these PupPoppies how to get along and respect each others, which worked incredibly well. There's, of course, a minor group of PupPoppies who disagree, but they don't cause that big of a stink about it unless you're not a Witch PupPoppy. You have to be cautious if you ever approach these type of PupPoppies.

waters of mystery

Main Population: Mutation PupPoppies

Specializes in: Studying odd and mysterious phenomenons

Weather: Magical, Mysterious

Seasons: None

Info: Many PupPoppies are afraid to go here and no wonder why. The weather and nature of the are are very mysterious and no one is able to predict what can happen next. Big storms, levitating lands and unknown plants that act strange; This region seems to be hostile towards anyone else living there except Mutation PupPoppies for unknown reasons. This interests many researchers and has become a place with many recent studies on it.

Wonderwall palace

Main Population: Royal PupPoppies

Specializes in: Defense and strategizing

Weather: Sunny & Cloudy, Snowy

Seasons: Winter

Info: This is the main capital city of FizzyLand. Our Queen Harmony lives here and protects every PupPoppy across FizzyLand. PupPoppies who live here are also dedicated on defending  FizzyLandand that's why there's a lot of soldiers live and work here. Everyone is welcome in Wonderwall Palace and are respected equally though soldiers here does not tolerate mischief and they might give you a ticket for the disruptions or worse, jail time >:o

marshland dens

Main Population: Lion PupPoppies

Specializes in: Mischief

Weather: Dark, Warm, Clear sky

Seasons: Summer

Info: No one knows this area exists. No one even knows this region's PupPoppies exist, since they're very good at hiding from everyone. If someone accidentally gets here, they'll be driven off very quickly by the locals which are Lion PupPoppies. No one is welcome here and they'll let you know that you aren't.