Voided PupPoppies

what voiding means?

Voided PupPoppies means that the owner has requested to remove the PupPoppy
from the species completely, or the design(s) in question were owned by a blacklisted user when they got banned. These designs will lose their species classification and will be considered a "one-off".
We highly encourage voided designs have their designs edited to no longer look like PupPoppies,
but it is not mandatory. We will not force a redesign.

Removing a PupPoppy from our species is a Permanent choice,
Please be entirely certain you want to do this.
Although we will allow you a 1 week "regret time" where you're allowed to reverse your choice. When the time frame has past, it is finalized.

Only way to get it back is to reinstate it via MYO slot.
This will cover Only PupPoppies from Common to Lion.
No Primals, Celestials or Exclusive Mutations.

Below is a list of all voided PupPoppies.
This so everyone is aware of what is and is not considered a PupPoppy.

voided puppoppies

Here's a list of all voided PupPoppies.

They can be found here.