Here is our group's all most asked questions. Please read them if you have some questions in mind already ^^

If you have more questions to ask, just ask me in our group's Discord. (Link in the Home page)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q- Are PupPoppies an Open Species?

A- No. PupPoppies are a Closed Species.

Q- Can I make my own PupPoppy?

A- You can make one if you have obtained a MYO slot, otherwise no. You can get one from MYO sales, events, adoptions, raffles, DTAs/WTAs and customs from admins.

Q- What does MYO mean?

A- MYO = Make Your Own (A ticket which gives you the rights to design one official PupPoppy)

Q- What do PupPoppy Classes mean?

A- Different rarities of PupPoppies, which all you can find from here https://www.deviantart.com/himesara84/art/PupPoppies-Closed-Species-Reference-841694216

Q- Can I make adopts of PupPoppies?

A- Only Admins & Guest Artists have rights to design and sell adopts. More info on Guest artists can be found here: https://www.deviantart.com/puppoppies/journal/Monthly-Guest-Artists-Closed-791200346

Q- Is it possible to change the breed of dog trait to any other dog breed?

A- They can be any dog breeds of PupPoppies, as long as they are still Dogs and not Wild Canines, since those are Rare & Super Rare traits.

Q- How you write the name "PupPoppies" in different ways?

A- PupPoppies name is written same way as word "puppies", so 1 PupPoppy & many PupPoppies.

Q- Can I gift my PupPoppy to my friend?

A- You can gift your PupPoppy to a friend only a couple times (approximately 2-3 times), if we see you doing this more than the listed amount, we will give you a warning. This is for avoiding "free-trading".

Q- Where I can get my MYO approved?

A- In our Discord channel #myo-approval

Q- What does "Exclusive Mutation?" mean?

A- Exclusive Mutation (old name "Special Mutation") is one special trait from the Mutation class.

They're always created by the Founder (or admins with permission), and they're usually always unique, which means that there won't be any other PupPoppy with that same trait. 

If the PupPoppy with an Exclusive Mutation trait gets Voided, the trait gets permanently removed and it will be returned as "free-to-use to a new EM puppoppy".

PupPoppies with Exclusive Mutation trait will get classified as "Exclusive Mutation", unless your PupPoppy is Primal or Celestial.

Q- What kind of eyes are counted as Common eyes?

A- Basically any eyes, only differences are the eyes listed in the ref. However, no extra eyes! The maximum is 3 eyes, but that is a Mutation trait. 

Q- Can PupPoppies have any gender?

A- Yes, they can! 

Q- Do MYOs expire?

A- No, you can have them for ages if you want.

But if it's been stated somewhere that "these myos will expire" Then they will, but in general no.

Also make sure to have your MYO a proof (screenshot or url to a comment chain), it will be a proof of the MYO you obtained.

Q- Is there a way to transfer a puppoppy to someone or another active account?

A- Yes, just let our admins (masterlist keepers) know who you're sending the PupPoppy to.

You can gift someone a MYO or PupPoppy 2-3 times, but not more!

Q- Can I ask someone else to design my MYO?

A- Yes you can, but you have to own this MYO already and the person who designs it must be prepared to make changes to it if it's missing something. If you buy a Custom from admins listed on the website's "Customs"- page, you don't have to own a MYO slot.

Q- How I can become an Admin?

A- Activity and interest are the keys for our species. If you have these two and you have been here longer than 6 months, send an application to our group when applications are opened! We will send out a notice when admin team applications open. 

Q- What color changes I can do to my PupPoppy without paying?

A- Here's a visual guide for showing how much you can change for free. If you have questions about this, feel free to ask our Admins about it.