Pets of PupPoppies

typical Pets

Typical Pets are found all around the Island, being the most common creatures for PupPoppies to keep as personal companions. Anyone can easily encounter these creatures near PupPoppy residences. 


KolibriStraws are the most commonly seen birds in FizzyLand. They're small and very friendly birds that feed mainly on soda. They're live all over FizzyLand, but most commonly can be found in Bamboo Thicket.

Typical Variant

These common looking KolibriStraws are based on hummingbirds. Their bodies are mainly covered in soda with plastic on top of it and their tails are made of straws. 

Any PupPoppy can own these birds and they're friendly towards everyone.

Unique Variant

These KolibriStraws are more unique and seen more rarely. The difference between these KolibriStraws with the typical ones is that these birds can be Any other bird species. They still have all typical KolibriStraw's traits, just the species change. 

These birds are more picky with choosing their owners. Apparently PupPoppies with magical powers are their favorites. No one knows why...


These little creatures are one of the most mysterious pets there is in FizzyLand. No one knows where these comes from or where they live. They just appear from nowhere. 

And that's not all of the mysteries there is about these pets! Because these pets only appear when they've "found their master", which is why they're usually same color as their masters' soda is. They also don't seem to eat anything or make any noises, so the mouth is there just for "decoration".

 PupPoppies can't choose their PopBuddies, PopBuddies chooses their masters. They're also based on their masters' personalities. For example Evil PupPoppies get SodaBuddies, Kind PupPoppies get BubbleBuddies and mixed gets FoamBuddies. But in general any PupPoppy can own one of these, if they get chosen...


Typical Variant

BubbleBuddies are entirely made of bubbles. They float in the air and seems to be in a good mood 24/7. It's hard to believe these are even alive, because how little their body moves despite floating like a bubble, but that's basically all it does. These are very fragile, so popping one will kill them! (they are good at avoiding spiky stuff though)

These PopBuddies prefer PupPoppies who are positive, kind and everything related to that. (Loves Good Witch PupPoppies)


Typical Variant

Soda Buddies' body is fully made of soda. Despite body being made of soda, it floats in the air. It's fast and very mischievous towards every other PupPoppy than its' master, who it respects. They love pranks and love to cause chaos, what they do mainly by dropping items and stealing stuff from others.

These PopBuddies prefer PupPoppies that are evil, grumpy and everything related to that. (Loves Evil Witch PupPoppies)


Unique Variant

FoamBuddies are made of foam and floats in the air. They're very soft and cuddly but their personality is variable. One moment it can rest peacefully next to you and then suddenly break your window. Unlike the other PopBuddies, these ones doesn't respect their masters that much. They do so if they're in a mood for that. But they do stay by their masters' side and wont leave them.

These PopBuddies prefer PupPoppies that are both evil & good or none. These are still quite rare to get, since they're very picky with who they choose. (Loves Good & Evil combo Witch PupPoppies)

buddyfruit pets

Buddyfruit Pets are animals not as commonly kept as Pets, but are proven to be very useful for agriculture or assistance. They can only be tamed by feeding them a special BuddyFruit found in the Waters of Mystery.


Typical Variant

Unique Variant