
Please hover over the dropdown menu of this tab to see our Rules, Species Traits, FAQ, Feedback form, and Blacklist.

important links:

Discord Server Join Link - though linked on the front page, here is another link to our Discord server. Here you can chat with group members, participate in events, earn PopCoins, register your pups to the Masterlist, and more!

DeviantArt Group Link - also linked on the front page, but here it is again! Our dA group is where we originated, though we'll be moving away from it a bit. Announcements and updates are still posted here, though!

Toyhouse World Link - though still a big WIP, this is our Toyhouse world!

Twitter Account - Follow us on Twitter!

Instagram Account - Follow us on Instagram!

Masterlist - View our Masterlist Spreadsheet here. You can search your pups and make sure they're on it!

Masterlist Journal - Not on the Masterlist? Comment here to get put on it! Remember, you can only rehome your pup if they're on the list. No dA account? This can also be done on Discord!