Mycelium-based materials at IDC

Team: 1

Team members: Basil Bataille, Maité Priëels, Casper Van Herzele

Coach: Jasper, (GLIMPS) + UGent (Francesca)

Challenge: GIY (grow it yourself) mycelium-based materials are getting more and more implemented in the design field. Nevertheless, many challenges remain open, for example:

  • How can we introduce this knowledge in our IO curriculum?

  • How should the prototyping and use of mycelium-based materials be organised in a design atelier?

  • How can we engage different stakeholders and actors in this mission? How can we make this a self-sustainable system?

  • ...

Starter kit includes:

  1. Bags with spawns (by Mycelia)

  2. Autoclave bags + autoclave tape

  3. Different substrates (coffee, wood chips, fibers, etc.)

Infrastructure needed:

  • Autoclave (BioFabLab at IDC)

  • Laminar flow (BioFabLab at IDC)

  • Incubator (BioFabLab at IDC)

  • Drier (Composites lab at IDC)

  • Pots and small utensils

Specific sources: