Natural fibres with Releaf

Team: 3

Team members: Jamie Catry, Milan Claeys, Gijs Habets

Coach: Sander Libaert ( + UGent (Francesca)

Challenge: Releaf extracts fibres from waste flows. At this stage, they are looking for interesting applications for the fibres themselves, likely in bio-composite materials. Challenges are:

  • Which production technologies are suitable for these fibres? (e.g. compression moulding).

  • Which applications could be meaningful, when looking at the design and prototyping process? (e.g. 3DP shapes, as usual composite materials? plates? etc.).

  • Which binder could preserves the character of the fibre in that it is safe, not toxic and bio-based?

  • How can we introduce this knowledge in our IO curriculum?

  • How can we engage different stakeholders and actors in this mission? How can we make this a self-sustainable system?

  • ...

Starter kit includes:

  1. Samples from Sander

Infrastructure needed:

  • to be added

Specific sources: