Press / mould for biomaterials (aka beyond plastics)

Team: 11

Team members: Emile Boving, Floris Meeusen, Dennis Osei Tutu

Coach: UGent (Francesca) + Bert Vuylsteke, (as co-coach)

Challenge: Several bioplastics are being developed (also in this course) but how to shape them remains a challenge. For example:

  • What processes help forming 3D shapes of these bio-based materials (both DIY and industrial)?

  • Can we mould bio-based materials starting from only "ingredients"?

  • Can we shape bio-based materials starting from plates?

  • How can we engage different stakeholders and actors in this mission?

  • How can we make this a self-sustainable system (can we teach it at IO)?

  • ...

Starter kit includes:

  1. Ingredients of interesting materials to mould

  2. Samples of interesting materials to mould

Infrastructure needed:

  • Metal forming techniques

  • Oven

Specific sources: